Mainstream Science Perplexed by Sharp Rise in Retractions by Peer-Reviewed Journals

As one of the articles from August 2011 below states, "since 2001, there's been a 15-fold increase in retractions in scientific journals"
Implications for 9/11 Truth should be fairly obvious. Links to articles below the jump :)
Science publishing: The trouble with retractions : Nature News
Oct 5, 2011 – The reasons behind the rise in retractions are still unclear. "I don't think that there is suddenly a boom in the production of fraudulent or ...
Retractions on the Rise | Inside Higher Ed
Aug 25, 2011 – Increasing pressure on scientists to publish in top journals may have contributed to a huge rise in retractions over the past decade, two ...
Why Are Scientific Retractions Increasing? | Wired Science | Wired ...
Aug 15, 2011 – In the WSJ, Gautam Naik reports on a troubling surge in scientific retractions: Since 2001, while the number of papers published in research ...
Why has there been such a huge increase in retractions of science ...
Aug 13, 2011 – Yesterday, The Wall Street Journal quantified the trend: since 2001, there's been a 15-fold increase in retractions in scientific journals. Hayden ...
Scientific Retractions on the Rise Transcript - On The Media
Sep 2, 2011 – When a paper released by a scientific journal turns out to be wrong – either due to human error or ...
Retraction rates are on the rise
by M Cokol - 2008 - Cited by 7 - Related articles
Retraction rates are on the rise. Murat Cokol,1a Fatih Ozbay,2 and Raul Rodriguez-Esteban3. 1Murat Cokol is at the Department of Biological Chemistry and ...
Retractions are Increasing, but are they really “Skyrocketing ...
Nov 3, 2011 – The WSJ based its article on a report that it commissioned from Thomson Reuters , which showed “a steep rise” in retraction notices, from 22 in ...
Scientific fraud and journal article retractions : Respectful Insolence
Aug 12, 2011 – The WSJ article has several graphs and some analysis designed to try to argue that the rise in retractions is real and that it's not just because of ...
Retractions of Scientific Research Papers Going Up | World of ...
Aug 10, 2011 – Retractions due to fraud are also on the rise: Ivan Oransky, the executive editor of Reuters Health and a co-founder of the Retraction Watch ...
Is scientific fraud on the rise? « Retraction Watch
Jan 13, 2011 – As readers of this blog have no doubt sensed by now, the number of retractions per year seems to be on the rise. We feel that intuitively as we ...
the TM needs to make a list...
...of fraudulent papers and put pressure on the journals that published them to address the problems in order to force retractions where possible. This is a very real and concrete step towards nailing the bastards by removing their bogus academic fig leaves. Suggestions?
not a scientific journal but...
...I think the 9/11 Commission Report needs to be peer-reviewed... it was after all mainly the work of two people with academic backgrounds: Ernest May and Philip Zelikow...
Post-Normal Science
In 1991 a Marxist philosopher called Jerome R. Ravetz had helped to invent a seductive and dangerous new concept called ‘post-normal science’ (PNS). No longer was it considered essential that scientists strive after objectivity. Their new duty, Ravetz held, was not to ‘truth’ but to what he called ‘quality’. And by ‘quality’ he meant something more akin to rhetoric — the ability to manipulate evidence and present it in such a way as to achieve particular political ends.
"…a new type of science – ‘post-normal’ – is emerging…in contrast to traditional problem-solving strategies, including core science, applied science, and professional consultancy…Post-normal science can provide a path to the democratization of science, and also a response to the current tendencies to post-modernity."
The ‘response’ wasn’t to be a reaction against postmodernism, but an embracing of it, and going beyond it. And it has sinister ramifications.