Michael Shermer, Steven Pinker, and Noam Chomsky: A Pattern of Defending Liars
We all know Michael Shermer as a semi-professional defender of the official story of 9/11, and that Noam Chomsky has long played dumb when asked anything about 9/11. Turns out both of them have come to the defense of another liar, Harvard Professor Marc Hauser, who was forced to resign after he was found guilty of academic misconduct by the university and then by the government's Office of Research Integrity. Hauser's recently self-published book on (of all things) why people do evil has received ringing endorsements from a handful of supporters including Shermer and Chomsky. While Chomsky is a past co-author of journal articles with Hauser, and defended him early on, Shermer seems to have only recently decided to apply his special brand of skepticism to this particular fabricator.
Steven Pinker is another of Marc Hauser's defenders who has a peculiar fascination with 9/11 "conspiracy theorists". Here is a telling quote from someone who knows both men:
"I knew Marc and taught with him a few times, while I was a graduate student and he replaced Terry Deacon as the brain-guy for the Anthropology Department. Then, I graduated and was absorbed into a faculty role, teaching a class for the then new Mind Brain Behavior program, tutorials for Biological Anthropology, etc. At about the same time, Marc applied for tenure in the anthropology department but was denied, but Steven Pinker, something of a mentor for Marc at that point, lobbied on his behalf (as did others) and he was brought into a tenure slot in the Psychology Department."
An interesting nexus of coincidence, no?
thought of you when watched this:
sorry I forgot how to embed, but basically it's James Corbett of corbettreport calling out NC as gatekeeper. I believe there's an interview segment with Pinker (gray curly-top) sorta in the beginning...
not a bad run down on Chomsky, but...
...I think he misses the point, which is that Chomsky knowingly presents a false dichotomy--either al Qaeda did it or Bush did it, and Bush wouldn't do it unless he was crazy so al Qaeda must have done it. this is the antithesis to Jon Gold's brand of LIHOP truthing that says Silverstein's building demolitions are inconsequential or perhaps even not true--it was Bush who did it for reasons X Y and Z. It's a crypto-Zionist 1-2 punch--a self-contained and self-defeating dichotomy in its own right. And just one more indication that the truth behind 9/11 indicts Zionism.
Chomsky on 9-11 at RT
I like the comments where almost everyone says Chomsky is wrong on 9-11 and some even call him a gatekeeper.
David Stein (Formerly David Cole) on Michael Shermer
Michael Shermer Tries to Ban My Book; Demands I Recant!
Posted by David Stein on Thursday, May 29, 2014 · 40 Comments
I’ve known little Mikey Shermer since 1993. I tell many interesting
stories about this “skeptic” fraud in my book, Republican Party Animal
(available from Amazon, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble in the US, Waterstones and Foyles in the UK, Indigo/Chapters in Canada…but enough self-promotion).
Shermy got wind of the fact that I include quite a few pages of
conversations that I recorded with him in 1994 – conversations in which
he admits to defaming me and lying about my work regarding Holocaust
revisionism. So, what did “Mr. Freethinker” do? How did “America’s
leading skeptic and defender of free inquiry” respond?
He got his lawyers to serve my publisher with a demand to “refrain
from publishing or distributing” my book! This is a man who slams
religious institutions for stifling free inquiry and suppressing facts.
And he wants to ban a book.
That’s some great skepticizin’ there, Mikey.
Oh, and one other thing…along with the “cease and desist” order the
lawyers sent to my publisher, they sent me one as well, with a
pre-written statement of recantation that I was supposed to read
publicly on Youtube.
Yes, that’s right. Shermy the “skeptic,” Shermy the “scientist,” had
his lawyers try to force me to recant publicly. Oh, and just for the
record, Shermaboy’s actual field is “history of science.” So, a science
“historian” saw no irony in trying to force a person to publicly recant
their sincerely-held views. Shermer’s knowledge of science history must
be as firm as his grasp of Holocaust history.
Anyway, Mikey’s law firm was no match for me. In a matter of hours,
they retreated like that mangy dog that got its ass kicked by a cat a
few weeks ago. I’m a drunk, but even ten vodkas to the wind, I’m a hell
of a lot smarter than Shermer and his paid suits. I’ll just lay
everything out below, exactly as it happened, and you can enjoy seeing
“Mr. Skeptic” get pantsed.
And I do hope you enjoy!
From the venerable law firm of Neufeld Marks, to my publisher (this
is just a screenshot of the top of page one, so that you may properly
identify the fine legal minds who attempted the book banning):
Here’s the specific demand:
And here’s their demand to me, that I read this recantation on
Youtube like a POW at the Hanoi Hilton forced to “confess” for the
And now the fun starts. Here’s my email to Jennifer MikoLevine, the attorney who wrote the letters:
And here is her reply. I hope she’s not an advocate of gun control,
because the bullets she’s sweating surely surpass California’s
ammunition regulations:
My reply:
And Sherm-Sherm throws in the towel:
At this point, I was ready to move on. I won, Shermy lost, end of
story. But the day before the cease and desist letters were sent, Sherm
filed a “privacy complaint” to get the video in which I speak about my
history with him removed from Youtube. Unlike copyright infringement
complaints, which can be easily fought, privacy complaints are damn near
impossible to reverse on Youtube. This category of complaint was
created to keep bullies from posting the private information of teenage
girls. So Shermer, acting like a teen girl, used this category of
complaint to get my video removed.
And the basis for his “privacy complaint?” I held up the covers of
his books to the camera. As you can see in the screenshot of the actual
complaint, for seventeen seconds, from the 5:21 mark in the video to the
5:38 mark, “Michael Shermer books shown in video:”
Yes, the books that have been available for years at hundreds of
stores around the world constitute a “privacy violation” simply because I
held them up to the camera. I did not open them, I did not read from
them, I did not even REVIEW them. I just held up the covers (and, to be
fair, I’m written about a LOT in each of those books…don’t I have a
right to TOUCH the damn things?).
Michael Shermer, accused rapist, abused a Youtube policy meant to protect teen girls from bullies. What a guy!
As I said, Youtube doesn’t allow an appeals process for privacy
complaints. So the video is gone, for good. But here’s the audio of a
conversation I referenced in that video:
I will have more to say about cowardly accused rapist phony skeptic lying fraud Michael Shermer next week.
Honestly, I really was going to walk away after beating his lawyers
like rented mules. I never like to pile on after a successful thrashing.
But getting my Youtube videos pulled because Shermer abused a policy
meant to protect thirteen-year-old girls? Now, I’m pissed. Now, I’m only
getting started on that sweaty-browed phony.