Enver Masud on the Pentagon attack

Enver Masud, one of the most prominent and distinguished Muslims for 9/11 Truth, is Chairman of The Wisdom Fund. He is also an engineer and world renowned human rights advocate. He has written a series of excellent articles about 9/11 Truth published on The Wisdom Fund website, focusing primarily on the Pentagon. His interest in 9/11 Truth started on day one when he went to investigate the attack at the Pentagon and asked himself, "where is the plane"?
From TWF website:
Enver Masud is founder and CEO of The Wisdom Fund (est. 1995), and recipient of the 2002 Gold Award from the Human Rights Foundation for his book The War on Islam. He is also the author of 9/11 Unveiled, and a contributing author of Islam: Opposing Viewpoints and 9/11 and American Empire: Christians, Jews, and Muslims Speak Out.
Mr. Masud worked as an engineering management consultant for the World Bank, EBRD and USAID in Albania, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Latvia, Pakistan, Russia, Tanzania. He was at the forefront of innovation in the electric power industry, and managed the U.S. Department of Energy's National Power Grid Study. For his efforts to expose waste in the electricity sector he was the subject of TV, radio, newspaper reports including one by nationally syndicated columnist Jack Anderson.
Check out his recent interview on the Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad Radio Show on 08/07/2010 (second hour)
In two of his excellent articles on the Pentagon that I link to below, Masud uses both science and contradictory statements of officials in the early hours after the attacks, such as those Fire Chief Ed Plaugher at a press conference on 9/12/01, to contradict the government's claims.
What Really Happened on September 11 at the Pentagon
When Did FMFD 161 and MWAA 331 Arrive at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001?
Thanks, Keenan. My book "9/11 Unveiled" is a FREE download at The Wisdom Fund — TWF.org , just click on the book's icon.
thanks, we know!