DHS says Saudi Connection is a lot more critical than the Israeli Connection on Fake Truth Site 911Blogger
As the masterbating and cheerleading of "National Security Whistleblower" J. Michael Springmann's latest "revelations" about how the incompetent/corrupt US intelligence agencies "let those Big Bad Terrorists into the US on fraudulent visas from Saudi Arabia" continues unabated on Fake Truth Site 9/11Blogger, the controllers expose their true agenda even more blatently. In the newest thread titled, "Visibility 9-11 Welcomes National Security Whistleblower J. Michael Springmann", Department of Homelane Security (DHS), who appropriately enough, moderates (censors) comments on 911Blogger, actually claims that the Saudi Connection is "a lot more critical than the Israeli Connection".
This was in response to the user constitutional911 who merely claimed that the SAUDI Connection was "just as Critical as the Israeli Connection":
The SAUDI Connection.
Just as Critical as the Israeli Connection.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it
Submitted by constitutional911 on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 10:50am.
» reply | 2 points
Just as critical? How about
Just as critical? How about a lot more critical
Great minds ... think for themselves.
Submitted by DHS on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 5:39pm.
Now, this in of itself is not surprising. But there's more to this. You see, before DHS submitted this comment, there was another blogger who took issue with constitutional911's comment. I happen to know that a new registered user submitted a comment in reply to constitutional911 asking, "Why do you say that? What's your logic?" This new user's comment stated that the Saudi connection was just part of the fake hijacker backstory, while the Israeli connection was much more higher level, that they were part of the real perpetrators, and therefore the Israeli connection is obviously MORE critical than the Saudi connection.
Well, you tell me. If the moderator(s) who read this dissenting comment in the moderation que (all new registered user's comments go into the moderation que) decided to not only not publish this single dissenting comment (one wonders, actually, if there were other dissenting comments that weren't published) and decided to put their own comment in its place saying the exact opposite, is this more evidence of the moderators there steering the debate? How can anybody have any respect or confidence in the controllers of 911Blogger when they stoop to such levels in manipulating and dominating the discussions into the artificial fake consensus of their own choosing?
Jeez, DHS, how crass do you have to be to delete a dissenting comment and put one of your own in it's place bolstering the argument instead? Isn't this a little like the Ministry of Truth rewriting history?
nice catch Keenan
I really wonder why Kevin Barrett kept repeating during our interview that 911blogger was somehow the best, most timely truth site out there. If you want great and timely Islamophobic LIHOP crap I guess it's your thing. The more self-conscious they become (and we are certainly helping to do that) the more they overstate their case and the more obvious they become. They're kind of screwed. :)
He said it was the best "9/11 news site"
and for a long time it was, because people were pooling their energy and their expertise. It no longer is and it hasn't been replaced either -- thanks to Rep for destroying one of the most valuable assets the truth movement had.
will miss the "news", i guess
well yeah.
it was nice when everyone was pooling their energy and without this
ridiculous moderation and ban. what are they thinking????
just goes to show - 911blogger.com is not a 911 truth site at all.
....i hope everyone comes over to here.
come on alex, loose change...where are the true patriots?????
I get my news on 9/11 and other truthy subjects at places like:
Hi Kate, and I am glad that you had some vacation time. Welcome back to the real world of modern political horror stories.
I usually get my news on 9/11 and other truthy subjects at places like:
http://www.rense.com & Señor Mike Rivero’s
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com Of course, at these places there is no forum.
http://www.desertpeace.wordpress.com is also another good site,
as well as Uruknet http://uruknet.info
Another site which fills a unique 9/11 full-spectrum truth niche is, of course, the site voted “THE MOST HATED†by the people who work for the government(s) inside the official “9/11 truth movement cultâ€
To get real political news, and especially 9/11 truth news, we don’t neeed no steenking 911Blogger, man, ‘cause they all obviously workin’ for The Man anyways. 911Blogger now is like reading Pravda back in the days of Uncle Joe Stalin. It is yet another controlled voice, which ultimately serves the myths of the State program in various ways.
If I do visit ‘ADL-Mossad’s own’ 911Blogger, it is just to see how, and what, they are spinning and obfuscating. At this point, one year after the Maoist “night of the long knives,†it is pretty clear as to what is going on over there, and their exposure as desperate shills for an ultimately failed plan is fairly entertaining, yet also sad to watch. At least we all now know beyond a reasonable doubt that 911B is yet another, more sophisticated layer in the world of “9/11 Truth gatekeeping.†9/11Blogger calling Noam Chomsky and Amy Goodman “truth and information gatekeepers†is like the pot calling the kettle, well you know.
Many eager beavers are indeed making a decent living off of this 9/11 – War on Terror thing, including lying “witnesses for the prosecution†and cardboard, TV “counterterror experts†like Evan Kohlmann. (a young man who would do well to remember the Nazi media “players†who were sentenced to hang at Nuremberg?) We are in full-blown 1984-Land now, ladies and gentlemen. All events are manipulated and staged as in a game, and then altered, cut, covered, and lied about in the media. All the while this fakery and conspiratorial stage-managing is supported by “paid experts†like little Evan and his new retro “Beatlesque, puddin’ basin haircut†who work for THE LIE and serve its agenda.
ALL Five-Year-Plan State Crop Reports are a LIE. Everything has come full circle, and at this point, even Pravda is a much more reliable news source than say, The New York Times. And Russian missiles are now apparently moving towards Cuba for placement and installation (I am not making this up). The GOOD OLD DAYS are back! KGB poison-pens and knife umbrellas, oh yeah! Duck and fucking Cover! Be sure to put on Donald Fagen’s “The Nightfly†album (preferably the vinyl version) as you enter your government-approved fallout shelter. Good luck, and write if you get work.
And BTW, Casseia and RT, you both did a really great job on the Underground Radio. It was also nice to see Dr. Kevin come out in the dialogue and support us on many of the controversial positions we have decided to discuss and try to understand. There apparently is a definite zeitgeist occuring with regards to these topics and methods of approach. I am glad that Kevin is a Muslim and can bring his Islamic-American perspective to this discussion table (I have a friend who is a Jewish Muslim, I kid you not, he’s done the Hajj 5 times.), and it is quite interesting that, in the early days of 9/11 truth investigations, what we now know to be a fairly accurate assessment of the situation regarding Israel’s hand in this, was always dismissed as “that hateful ‘conspiracy theory’ that all the Muslims believe in because they are all inherently ‘anti-Semitic’.†Well guess what, the Muslims were pretty much right, and in the current picture, the Palestinian Muslims and Christians are the only real Semites in this entire strange film. Unfortunately, these real Semitic people are enslaved by the descendents of Turkic tribesmen who are all under the collective delusion that they themselves are Semitic because of a long-ago ‘conversion’ to Judaism from Tengri shamanism. From now on, anyone who gives support to the racist, faux theocratic, rogue-nuke military state of Israel in its mission to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian Semites from their lands and homes is to be considered a true “anti-Semite†of the first order, and a promoter of “violent hate speech.†It is truly upside-down land, where the people who scream “anti-Semite†all the time are themselves not Semitic in any way shape or form, and yet they want to ethnically cleanse from “their non-God-given landâ€â€”a land stolen by terror at the point of a bayonet and built on continuous international deception and fraud—all the real Semitic people who have lived in that land for at least 1,400 years continuously, far longer than even the original, Semitic Israelite tribes themselves lived in it.
What a crazy world. What a crazy planet. Thanks again all for your help, fortitude, and bravery. The Good will indeed win, and contrary to accepted maxims, the Good will live forever, even if they do so often “die young.â€
Little Evan an' his puddin'-basin haircut!
and even Pravda is more reliable than the NYT! had been thinkin this very same thing!
Donald Fagan's Nightfly...have n' will do
"it is truly upside-down land..." so true!!!! regarding semiticism and antisemiticism....Now regarding those authentic semitic jewish tribes...where they be? would they be the ones who look more "arabic"?
DHS is one of the all time
DHS is one of the all time worst members of 911blogger(and of course hes one of the guys that the mods seem to protect. guess they like his point of view...). and thats really saying something considering that cesspool and its history.
Yes, and it can't be said often enough...
deceitful moderation tactics are being used to create the illusion of consensus. As someone else noted today, it appears that they aren't even taking new members -- soon it will be only "them" mwahahaha.
Jon Gold now citing the 9/11 Commission Report as Evidence!
Blocked And Promoted
he makes a big deal about "footnote 44" as if the whole secret to the 9/11 coverup was going to be published right in the coverup report itself. this of course has to do with some evil MOOZLIM allegedly getting a US visa and some evil CIA agent allegedly hiding this fact from some (presumably hard working) FBI agent. Jon Gold still acts as if Moussaoui really was intended to be the 20th hijacker and that 9/11 happened because of a presumably deliberate effort by the CIA to let da MOOZLIM hiajckers carry out their evil mission.
There is 9/11 truth, and then there is the truth about 9/11 according to Jon Gold. They are VERY different things. I have a very hard time imagining anyone genuinely dedicated to exposing the 9/11 coverup having anything to do with 911blogger at this point.
W the F?
Thanks to Justin Martell the Fourteenth, former founder of Redundant Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth and the "coolest dude EVER" according to his best pal Sander Hicks, for posting this ultra-relevant teaser for Oliver Stone's latest hack job, this one about the REAL 9/11 mastermind, Dubya Bush. Of course being posted by Mr. the Fourteenth who no longer has founded a 9/11 truth site, you can be sure the movie advertised will not actually have anything to say about 9/11 truth--but it WILL make it seem ever so plausible that Dubya let 9/11 happen on purpose!
Appallingly awful...
Part of solidifying the idea that W is the source of all incompetent evil.
A fun game...
Here is 911Blogger user #5361, the last user to register as of today. Now, it surely is not odd that PhoenixFireNectar has not yet posted any blogs having been around for only 6 days and as yet soaking in the wisdom of Jon Gold. So the fun game is to go through the users by changing the numbers in the location bar to see how many users have actually ever posted blogs--you might even google the site searching for the user's name to see how many comments if any they have ever posted. If you replace "blog" with "user" you will get the page that tells you how long they have been registered. Another fun thing would be to go through a range of users, like 2567 through 3023 and see if there are any weird patterns like a hundred users registered all at once. Of course if the 911Blogger psyop is worth its weight in salt (which I'm not sure it is) they could always easily hack their own Drupal database. In case they aren't that clever I thought I would give them a little more work to do... :)
911Blogger closed to new ewesers
It's interesting to note that 911Blogger users #5361 and #5360 have only been members for less than seven days.
http://911blogger.com/user/5361 (Member for 6 days 11 hours).
Keenan noted in his post on 2008-07-21
that 911Blogger had closed the site to new registrants. I checked that out immediately after seeing his post and found it to be true. To date, I've not been able to find a way for a new eweser to create an account. Though, at least two have been created since Keenan's observation.
Is there some supersecret portal to 911blogger nirvana that I am missing? An Easter Egg found only by performing krazy keyboard contortions or mindless mousing manuevers? I would expect new truthees to be very confused by not being able to find a way to become a member of the "best 9/11 news site" and finding it to be a (gasp!) rather exclusive club, er uh, I mean gang.
Wow, a 9-11 (un)Truth forum
Wow, a 9-11 (un)Truth blog with no user registration page. This is a world first in the interwebs. AAAAHAHAHAHAHAA! LOLOLOOLOLOLLLL!!!
you are not authorized
to view this page...that's what i get when i click the above link to member or node links...or try to go to web site.
should i be insulted? guilt by association with wtcdemo - wow, how weak.
still banned from truthaction also.
To register a new user there...
you have to email the site mods and request a new user account. Rep will email you back and ask you "what got you started in 9/11 truth" and "have you read the site rules?" After screening you they might decide to give you a new account. Say anything about the muslim hijackers not being real and your chances of getting in drop to zero...