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About being angry, yes we can.... ;-)

Hi Juan,

About being angry, I'm not that softy who says that people shouldn't be angry. Of course they have reason to be mad. But 9/11 itself, the whistleblowers, the 9/11 families who lost loved ones, the injustice, they are all reason to make this madness not our personal punching bag. All those who risk their public integrity or even their lives deserve better than that. Therefore we need - at least try - to canalize this anger in cool calculation, define goals like changing public opinion in order to mount pressure for a real investigation.

Disinformation is just something you can't terminate. Provide good information and doing this in a collective structure is something we CAN do.

But replying on your words about disinfo and correcting this, I already agreed. We have to correct disinformation, but not on the personal way with calling people names. That's not cool. On the short term it will solve some personal feelings of anger but interested visitors will hook off.

The art of debunking disinformation has something to do with speaking truth yourself: using dignity and knowledge and not making things personal. People will recognize this as positive signs. Why? Because this behavior is unattached. There is not much reason to suspect. Other people from outside our glass bell will feel the need to connect with this. That's what we need the most. Our problem is not to be right, but to get this acknowledged.

What about all kind of figures within the 'truthmovement'?

The truthmovement in fact is a conglomerate of all kinds of flavors that come together on occasion. Like I told before, I dealt with it before under different circumstances and you can't win the struggle for a unanimous strategy or opinion or even knowledge. Belief me, you can't! I tried too!

In the past I was extremely frustrated about guys who blew up everything I tried to move things forward. I knew I was able to do that. My struggle against these guys and my irritation about their stupidity was completely destroying my own chances, based on my own qualities. Looking back, I am the guy who was right then. I knew it all the time, but I was unable to generate the support I needed, due to those stupid bastards who divided everybody.

But I still know for sure that those guys were no agents, they had the same perspectives as I had. They needed the same progress. But you simply can't change people from everywhere in the direction you wish. Some people are just different, have different views, etc. Some are just stupid. The worse people to deal with are those who consider themselves extremely professional, but in fact are just filling their unsatisfied egos. Do you want to kill them? No, there are to many anyway. You just have your own capabilities to serve. Yes, you can ;-) LOL

In my example I dealt with persons within the same circle. But with 9/11 we have the luxury to work on a different platform than those who are being criticized. So, why not debunking some of what they're saying the way I just proposed? And only doing this when it is absolutely necessary in actual events.
