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In a thread at 911blogger

In a thread at 911blogger about the "rules and moderation policy" Chris Sarns again shows his real agenda of demonizing arabs and framing them for 9/11(with the help of MI5 and CIA!) while letting Israeli involvement off the hook-"The comment that started this round of whining about purging was about strategy more than Jew bashing. There is plenty of evidence of Mossad involvement but there is also plenty of evidence of CIA and MI5 involvement. To obsess with one to the exclusion of the others is biased and bad strategy. If you want to grind your anit-Zionist ax go right ahead but don't mix it with 9/11Truth because it hurts the movement. We are trying to get people to open up and bringing in the Israeli connection turns most people off."-Chris Sarns

What a transparent tool. Jpass handled him well though. He took his ball and ran home.....
