What's Goin' On?

gretavo's picture

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Annoymouse's picture


Dan Abrahamson had on Nico H as guest on DA's new WTPRN show.


Where to begin? anyone who gives a voice, a platform, credibility, or generally keeps in circulation the obvious cointelpro shills bent on dividing/derailing the movement; are themselves guilty as knowing, complicit enablers. That describes Kevin Barrett as well, sadly.

DA tried to preemptively neutralize the calls of "shill!" by predicting people would call him (DA) a shill for hosting Nico.

You'll have to listen to it yourself, but after listening, as far as I'm concerned, DA has "flipped", graduating from the credibility-building phase, to the provocateuring phase, as uncle Fetzer did last November.

I've only lightly followed the whole "Kennebunkport Warning" story, but I gather Tarpley's been less than diplomatic in his remarks about some of the alleged signers of the letter. So Tarpley's in the shill suspect queue. Tarpley also allegedly spent some time defaming Cosmo on Tarpley's most recent show, so Cosmo is calling Tarpley a fraud now (about 50 mins into Cosmo's 9/7 TRR show, http://mp3.wtprn.com/TRR07.html ).

gretavo's picture

the "A-list" Truthers

Have a high tendency of being shills.  I trust YT (Cosmo) over
Tarpley any day of the week.  Remember, at one point we hungered
for knowledge, and people like Trapley seemed to have it.  Now we
have it.  Now we should look for sincerity, dedication and a
can-do attitude.  Move over doomshillers and would be
pacesetters!  This is not a movement of follwoers but of DO-ers.
Keep doing, people!

Danse's picture

Cosmos lost his uncle on

Cosmos lost his uncle on 911.   Tarpley calling him a shill is outrageous.  I've known Cosmos for five years, well before he was even involved in 911 truth activism.   He's just a regular joe.   Meanwhile, Tarpley is promoting Fetzer and sidekick Dan Abrahamson just had Nico Haupt on his show.   It's pretty transparent.    

casseia's picture

Cosmos and Col Jenny

I met cosmos at the Arizona conference and hung out with him, had dinner with him, etc, etc and found him to be a very easy and pleasant person to be with.  We've talked on the phone a few times as well about the truthaction project, and I can testify that this guy is DEVOTED to a real, grassroots campaign for 9/11 truth.


Tarpley's accusations against Jenny Sparks are just beyond absurd.  She and I are neighbors (talk about weird coincidences -- we met on 9/11 blogger and discovered we live only a few blocks apart!)  She and I have spent many an hour at the cafe down the hill talking about every aspect of 9/11 and the truth movement itself.  We also worked together on a major 9/11 event in May.  Frankly, I'm jealous of Jenny right now, because she's getting dissed by Tarpley and I have to settle for being called cointelpro by a local brain-damaged yahoo. 


bruce1337's picture

I consider your envy proof

that there really is no such thing as bad publicity. 

Also, it suggests women can truly never be satisfied: being dissed: bad; not being dissed enough: bad, too! No wonder we fail to understand you...

Danse's picture

Here's the latest:

"Tarpley put up an image of Chechen rebel Basayev when he spoke of
Cosmos and implied (not even sure if he was joking at all) that they
might be the same person. There was a small gasp from the audience as if they believed it. He talked of how these people had sunglasses on or otherwise tried to hide their faces."




"Speaking of WingTV, a glossy full color page advertising
"Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories, and the Secrets of 9/11" by Mathias
Broeckers, "Truth Jihad" by Kevin Barrett, "Painful Questions" by Eric
Hufschmid, and "9-11 on Trial" by WingTV's Victor Thorn was being
distributed on the welcoming table of this conference (where you buy
your ticket).

The back of the page is all about Tarpley and his books: "Meet Webster Griffin Tarpley--One of the Great Minds of Our Time"




What a joker this guy turned out to be.   

Annoymouse's picture


Tahooey's picture

work lots of it

I'm going to start painting my signs for 9/11 - time is running out, in more ways than one!

Anyway, seemed like this post needed something more than just an inquiry. So this is what's going on. (hey, ok anonymous beat me to it... but his post just showed up...) Hope everyone is well and prepared for "the next" 9/11...

bruce1337's picture

9/11 Mysteries has been broadcast with german synchronization

A serendipitous opportunity to obtain excellent material for local distribution!

Annoymouse's picture


do you know if this is available as download online, in high resolution/quality?

bruce1337's picture

Afaik, it's not -- yet

My bro has recorded it, so we do have a digital copy -- littered with the occasional private TV overlays, unfortunately. The plan is to clean it up and make it available asap...