What LIHOP-peddling Fake Truthers are Excited About These Days...

gretavo's picture


To the Editor:

I found this article on the 9/11 Truth movies showing at the Wayne Theater of interest. While an element of this movement believes that 9/11 was an inside job conducted by the U.S. government, I cannot support that theory from what I have researched. What is more reasonable, and what was suggested by those promoting this movie, is that the U.S. government has not been totally forthcoming on the details involving 9/11 and how much intelligence was at hand, as well as how this atrocity that was committed by a small group of terrorists primarily from Saudi Arabia may well have been prevented.

For me, the most horrific aspect of 9/11 is not only the tragic loss of life, but how this terrorist attack was used to falsely justify the invasion of Iraq, which was a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, had no relationship to Al Qaeda, and had no weapons of mass destruction -- as we were falsely led to believe by our own government. This alone is reason enough to question the veracity of the 9/11 Commission Report.

More intriguing is how this all came about, and it started with the neoconservatives that the article mentioned. Neocons and their Project for a New American Century had actually written then President Clinton a letter that he invade Iraq again and finish the job that the first President Bush had not, and many of those who signed this letter were now in power in the second Bush administration -- Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney. The events of 9/11 became the perfect excuse for a pre-ordained agenda to invade Iraq on false pretense.

But why the lies regarding Iraq and WMDs to the American people, and why the need to attack a country that had nothing to do with 9/11? One needs to look no further than godfather of the neoconservative movement and the philosophies Leo Strauss, a professor at the University of Chicago, preached. Strauss believed in Plato's interpretation of the noble lie. Strauss taught his acolytes that they were the natural ruling elite and the persecuted few, and that the masses could not understand or accept the truth, providing for insistence on the need for secrecy and the necessity of lies by government. Furthermore, Strauss espoused promoting the American commercial model of liberal democracy around the globe because he believed American values are the best in the world, and that all other cultures and their values are inferior in comparison. If this provided the perpetual war, so be it. Strauss believed that if you demonstrate the need to spread democracy by creating unwarranted fear of evildoers, you could use democracy as a means to turn the masses against their own liberty, which he considered a great triumph.

Not surprisingly, the primary architects of the disinformation campaign to justify invading Iraq were students of Leo Strauss -- Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Abram Shulsky, who was Wolfowitz's chief gatherer of supposed intelligence on Iraq while heading the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans. The Patriot Act and its allowance for spying on American citizens along with the suspension of habeas-corpus are further examples of Americans trading their liberty for supposed security in fulfillment of the neocon agenda.


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juandelacruz's picture

dns servers cant point to wtcdemolition

Hi RT,


Sorry to be OT. My browser can't find wtcdemolition.com again. I was able to log in only by doing a search for our numeric IP. Might be the old problem. All other websites can be reached so my DNS server just cant find this website.

I now have a bookmark on:

Annoymouse's picture

thanks Juan

that's helpful--I have to resolve an issue whereby my hosting is under an expired domain... if that solves the error it will be wonderful...

Scrubby's picture


had some dns probs too, a few hours ago this morning. tried some whois lookup sites which werent able to find the domain either. seems to have resolved itself now tho, working fine (fingers crossed)

casseia's picture

Me, too

DNS problems, no whois lookup -- about 30 minutes ago.

Annoymouse's picture

hang in there folks!

i think we MAY be out of the woods!

casseia's picture


Hope so.

Annoymouse's picture

well I dunno...

we'll see. apparently there is a new version of Drupal (6.0) but upgrading is a pain...