Sunday Night Tag Team Action - Diane the NY Activist and JonDoraemi

gretavo's picture

If Diane and Johndoraemi bothered to read our site every now and then they would understand that we are anti-racist to the point, unlike them, of calling out Zionists for being such jerks not just to arabs and muslims but to Jews.  Diane and Jondoraemi just don't want to admit that they aren't really into defending Jews as much as they are into defending Zionism and Zionist criminals.

In a post in the Truth Action forum, John Doraemi has written the following, in reply to someone who blames people in the government of Israel for the 9/11 attacks:

You overstate your case by implying that only Israelis were involved. That’s not proven in any way, shape or form. We actually don’t know much about the Israelis’ relationship to the operation.




If indeed it should turn out that anyone in the Israeli government was involved, there will, alas, be all too many people who will use this to try to stir up hatred of Jews in general. In the meantime, fear of the latter possibility seems to be a major reason why a lot of Jews are afraid of the 9/11 Truth movement in general. For that reason, I think it’s important for us not just to disclaim bigotry against Jews, but to show that we care about opposing bigotry of all kinds, including bigotry against Jews.

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casseia's picture

Keywords: "Bigotry of all types"

Except against Arabs?/Persians/Muslims.

Do you know exactly what happened on the planes? Do you? Do you?! If not, you may not refer to the "myth of evil Muslim terrorists."

casseia's picture

Here's what I posted over there...

Perhaps you'll title your entry tomorrow something like "The blame Arabs/Muslims crowd: put up or shut up." Have you followed the situation in Pakistan? Can you see that what many of us have called laying the groundwork for the patsyfication of Pakistan may now be employed with a vengeance? Let's say the current regime decides to start another war -- might be hard to get popular support, yes? Well, what if the ISI porkchop-money transfer suddenly comes to light? Oh my god -- Pakistan funded the 9/11 attacks! What, you say? Wasn't mentioned in the Commission Report? Need a new investigation? Well, we now know that there were MAJOR problems with the Commission, such as in their ability to elicit cooperation from agencies like the CIA. That's too bad. But now we're AT WAR! We have no time for divisiveness, finger-pointing, and blame assigning. We must unite in a great and glorious battle against al Qaeda!

juandelacruz's picture

If they have trouble with

If they have trouble with truthers or the public mixing up Jews and the Zionist perps responsible for 9-11, they should just refer people to where the two parties are very well delineated.

gretavo's picture

that's the sad irony isn't it...

What they ARE doing which is to ignore the one explanation that properly exonerates Jews and exposes the way Zionism has historically used Jews as pawns is in fact the kind of behavior that causes unnecessary anti-semitism to flourish. One of the toughest things we face is having to show Jewish people that we are not against them, that we are in fact FOR them, meaning for their liberation from Zionist gangsterism masquerading as the champions of the world's Jews. Much like we need to show our fellow Americans that all the bogus flag waving by corrupt politicians is intended to cover up their disloyalty to the American people. As long as there are shills like Diane and Jondoraemi we'll need to keep hammering away these points.'s picture

It should be possible to

It should be possible to dispute someone without falsely misrepresenting what they said. I checked the link and did not find any mention of Saudis or Pakistan. So listing that in as a snippet is just making a false attribution.

gretavo's picture

agree wholeheartedly Patrick

Here's what Jondoraemi said:

Other strategies do work. I don't need to argue about it anymore. That's my opinion, such that it is. There is quite a bit more to talk about than building number 7, which I'm sick of.

In response to RT's comment about Pakistan and Saudis -- we have a large body of evidence which requires more investigation. Is that "over stating the case?" Wasn't the purpose of the "truth" movement to get at the truth? Is there something odd about having to ask that question?

You overstate your case by implying that only Israelis were involved. That's not proven in any way, shape or form. We actually don't know much about the Israelis' relationship to the operation.

What was that about mispresenting?  I have made it very clear on numerous occasions that it wasn't necessarily just Israelis working alone.  Of course painting me as somehow blinded by Jew-hatred isn't as easy when that is made known.  I think Cass puts the double standard beautifully.  And make no mistake that there is a double standard of grotesque proportions operating right now in favor of anti-American Zionists.

casseia's picture

You mean, as was done with Afghanistan?

"If indeed it should turn out that anyone in the Israeli government was involved, there will, alas, be all too many people who will use this to try to stir up hatred of Jews in general."

Oddly, Diane seems to have little problem with the fact that the constructed identities of "the hijackers" (who they were, whether they were indeed Muslim, whether they acted on behalf of al Qaeda, whether there even *were* hijackers) is being used to justify genocide. That is happening *now* -- maybe Diane should weigh that against the specter of some future discrimination against Jews.

I'm repeating myself -- but I'm just getting tired of this crap.

gretavo's picture

maybe you're repeating yourself because...

you're speaking for so many of us... :)

I'm all for countering an anti-Jewish backlash should it occur. I've also been for countering the anti-muslim backlash that is occuring. Defending innocent muslims does not mean condoning the true crimes, whatever they may be, of muslims who commit crimes. likewise, defending innocent Jews does not mean condoning the crimes of jews who commit crimes. It certainly does not help innocent jews trying to live their lives when the militant Zionist lobby and Zionist gangsters try to use them as human shields. maybe Diane would comment on that aspect of the whole thing. Or the Simon Wiesenthal Center accusing 9/11 truth people of being terrorists--maybe not such a great idea either?

larry horse's picture


hey john, why have you changed your tune to say "We actually don’t know much about the Israelis’ relationship to the operation."  that didn't seem to be the case when you wrote the following quotes in one of your blogs over at 911b.

"If the World Trade Center buildings were demolished by pre-placed explosive charges, these Israelis are the prime suspects."

"The MOSSAD spies actually had the brass balls to sue the US for "wrongful arrest and imprisonment." And yes, they returned "home" to Israel, where the owner of the fraudulent "moving company" had fled immediately after being questioned by FBI.
We can see a pattern here of unaccountability, where Israeli agents are routinely released, and therefore face no consequences for their actions on United States soil, or in Mexico apparently.
This brings us to Michael Chertoff who is also unmentioned in the Ketcham piece. Chertoff is a known Zionist (his Mother was MOSSAD and helped create the state of Israel; his wife was a chairperson in the ADL). Michael Chertoff was the head of the Criminal Division of the Justice Department (sic) on September 11th.
So just how does this Israeli matter become "classified" and as many as 200 Israeli agents "released" despite the protests of the CIA?(!) We should look to the Justice Department, and to the head of the Criminal Division for an explanation.
Chertoff also has a questionable past. In private practice as a lawyer he actually defended an Osama bin Laden financier, Dr. Magdy ElAmir, who had embezzled $3 million from a NJ HMO and sent most of the money off to Al Qaeda. Quite an odd gig for a Zionist? No? How does one go from defending bin Laden's money men to heading the US Department of Homeland Security?
You'd have to be a pretty good "friend to Israel" to get away with that kind of activity. Chertoff was confirmed 98-0 for the Homeland Security post in the Senate, and no major news media would say a word about his successful defense of a bin Laden funder. This is the reality we live in, a strange and deceitful place where things don't appear to make much sense at first glance."

"Lastly, the September 11th attacks were codenamed "The Big Wedding." Could this be some coded dark humor about marrying Israel to the United States? Forever linking their policy goals in a mutual war against Islam? Just throwing that out there for your consideration."

so johndoraemifasolatido, i have to ask, who you crappin? 

gretavo's picture

yeah, doraemi, who you crappin'?

Nice find, Larry Horse. I'm sure doraemi's response will be something like "Yeah but I never said it was JUST THE ISRAELIS"

I wonder if this is part of the whole "gain credibility by speaking truth then backtrack and/or change your focus" tactic that seems to be what Loose Changout Final Cuban is all about...

casseia's picture

Oh, John is soooo smart!

Here's his reply to me at Truthaction (my statements in italics):
I'll assume that this is genuine misunderstanding. The "myth of evil Muslim terrorists" is much larger than the events of 9/11 -- and to reject it does not mean asserting that no Muslims hijacked planes.

I don't even know how to respond. Keenan indeed claims no "Muslims" hijacked planes. That's what we were talking about.

If you want to talk about events unrelated to 9/11 -- there are plenty of terrorists out there who happen to be Muslim, as well.

Several of you want to reduce these issues to some comic book black and white substitute for reality. That's the problem with "analyses" by you, RT and Keenan specifically. You want to make broad sweeping claims you can't back up, and ignore the actions and evidence concerning specific people (except misrepresenting Silverstein's "pull it" apparently).

This as usual isn't getting us anywhere, and so I'm not going to give you full treatment. You don't deserve it.

Your suggestion that rejecting the evil Muslim terrorist myth is synonymous with denying that Muslims hijacked planes reflects either superficial understanding or your own construction of a strawman.

Except I was responding to Keenan who repeatedly makes these claims. Try to keep up.

I don't need to "reject" nor to accept your take on whatever popular "myth" you seem to be peddling (Did it occur to you that you legitimize the neocon mythmakers by playing their game?).

We are supposed to be looking at facts, not myths. As a "truth" movement, the focus was supposed to be what we can prove and the evidence which negates false claims by the government.

Battling over "myths" belongs down the hall in the creative writing department.

You don't care whether they were Muslim, Christian etc etc -- this disingenuously sidesteps the fact that "Muslim" in the context of the evil Muslim hijacker myth refers to what is really an ethnic or even racial identity.

More gobbledygook stemming from an Appeal to Myth, a new logical fallacy peculiar to the pseudo "Truth" movement. The Appeal to Myth has the benefit of alwyas being correct, no matter what anyone was talking about previously, nor what evidence contradicts the implied claims. Appeal to Myth is the defacto conqueror of history, and always wins in the long term. It is pointless trying to oppose the Appeal to Myth, although there was this one lone hero who tried to stand up and fight valiantly against the Appeal to Myth, a long time ago, on a server far, far away...

casseia's picture

Planet of the Arabs

I guess this has been around for a while, but I missed it. Danse posted it in the thread at TruthAction. 'About this video' reads:

Official selection of the Sundance Film Festival 2005

A trailer-esque montage spectacle of Hollywood's relentless vilification and dehumanization of Arabs and Muslims. Inspired by the book "Reel Bad Arabs" by Dr. Jack Shaheen

Out of 1000 films that have Arab & Muslim characters (from the year 1896 to 2000)12 were postive depictions, 52 were even handed and the rest of the 90O and so were negative.

casseia's picture


Here's what Diane's special friend posted today at 911b:

"It occurs to me that Maher, Taibbi and others will not entertain the notion that Israel and its neocon operatives were involved in the attacks, which is where "Inside Job" naturally leads. That is the bottom line. Israel must be protected from this potentially catastrophic revelation, by any means necessary.

If America knew that Israel not only participated, but helped orchestrate 9/11, it could be the end of that apartheid pariah state -- as we know it today.

So, Israel's sympathizers attack 9/11 truth as being a danger to the existence of Israel. It's a natural defense mechanism. Truth is the natural enemy of the big lie, and of the big liars.

Media control has allowed this cover up to remain in place. It continues today. If you don't believe a strong zionist influence 'controls' most of the media in the US, you're just not paying attention. It's not exactly a well hidden secret."

That sounds pretty confident about Israel's role, wouldn't you say?

gretavo's picture

hip hip hooraemi

for John. quite an accurate assessment too. The truth about 9/11 will indeed usher in a new era in which Zionism will cease to have legitimacy. I would personally be in favor of an international protectorate there until such a time as all outstanding issues are resolved (with regard to reparations to the original inhabitants, right of return, etc.) and guarantees of equal rights and security for anyone who feels so attached to the "holy land" that they must live there full time as opposed to visiting, worshipping, and then getting the hell out. oh, and dismantle every last nuke, making sure they are all accounted for (no souvenirs, fire sales, etc.)

juandelacruz's picture

Someone should also make

Someone should also make sure the Zionists do not salt the earth before flee to South America or Australia. I think they will be on the run from innocent Israelis who find themselves tangled up in the sins of their state's founders.

juandelacruz's picture

I had to vote up that

I had to vote up that comment of his. positive reinforcement :)