WOW! Informed, Reasoned Analysis of the CIT/Pentagon Debate - Thanks to Robin Hordon

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Robin Hordon, an X air traffic controller who worked at ZBW [Boston ARTCC] and a commercial pilot with 1600 hours of flight time, inserts some desperately needed informed, reasonable, and objective analysis into the shrill debate over CIT/Pentagon Issue over at 911Blogger.

Additionally, Robin's diligent research efforts on the Pentagon attack have progressed to the point where he believes that he is close to the point of ID'ing "the airvehicle that passed over the generator and may [or may not] have struck the Pentagon...its the " WTC Dust" at the Pentagon that P4T should have climbed all over several years ago." He is apparently waiting for people to calm down their emotional territorial defending a bit before he shares his "Pentagon Dust":

Once people's eyes. ears and minds have reopened regarding what happened at the Pentagon, then I'll share my "Pentagon Dust".

Calm down everybody...just calm down...the Pentafgon-AA77 scenario is really complicated...and the Pentagon's achilles heel...Operation Northwoods, circa 2001; in my mind's eye...

Note: I filtered out most of the other comments besides Robin's and a few select others so that people don't have to suffer through reading all the noise, such as Victoria's predictably dishonest drivel, YT's childish rantings, and Arcterus's annoyingly trite blathering, etc...


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Air Traffic Controllers did NOT see the UNIDENTIFIED airvehicle

...crash on their screens. From what I have been able to discover, there is no testimony as such.

And, the air traffic controller at National Tower [Stephenson] stated that the airvehicle dropped down behind a building...and THEN he saw a fireball.

FYI...ATCs at National Tower CANNOT SEE the Penatgon proper...because there is "stuff" in between.

So, if you have any information stating that an air traffic controller has submitted evidence stating that he or she DID personally "see" the UNIDENTIFIED PRIMARY TARGET actually HIT the Pentagon, I'd love to get linked up...because there is SOOOO much more to learn about the AA77-Penatgon-PEOC-SS-NORAD story.


9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 11:29pm.

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Victoria...some issues here...

For those who do not know, I am an X air traffic controller who worked at ZBW [Boston ARTCC] and a commercial pilot with 1600 hours of flight time.

Some important points:

1. I called Stephenson and got no returned calls.

2. There is no way that Stephenson "knew" that it was AA77 that he saw from the FAA communications systems BECAUSE nobody within any FAA facility had identified the primary target as being that of AA77. And in fact, Danielle O'Brien at Potomac Tracon-Dulles Tower, along with her ATC colleagues thought that the high speed primary target was a military fighter due to its aerobatic flight path.

Its ONLY via later "discovered" evidence at the crash site that made people...via the press...think that the primary target was that of AA77...and thusly, this establishes that there was "reverse engineering" used for this identification.

3. HOWEVER, someone at Potomac Tracon, or Dulles Tower, OR another "mystery facility" informed the Secret Service that there was an UNIDENTIFIED high speed target heading towards WDC.

4. And testimony establishes that the SS informed National Tower about this high speed primary target inbound to WDC.

5. So, it is possible that Stephenson's being informed that this UNIDENTIFIED primary target WAS that of AA77 and that it came from the SS...but how would the SS KNOW THIS?

At that time, the FAA did not surmise or think that it was AA77...only a military fighter!

The SS could not have known that this target was AA77 UNLESS they had some prior inside information that this primary target WAS AA77...and that this information was passed along down the "insider line" as the target approached WDC.

This is a critical question and consideration...and it leads to another very, very interesting bit of evidnce that does not fit n MY air traffic controller's mind.

It was soon known that the primary target in question began its downward spiral into? the Pentagon from an altitude of 7000 feet. Well, HOW did this 7000 foot number become established?

After all, the FAA's radar did not get any altitude information from this primary target because it had no civilian or FAA type of transponder that was working...which if working, would have transmitted the airvehicle' altitude.

However, and its not neccessarily a speculation, but some pertinent information here...IF the primary target was a military airvehicle equipped with an IFF [Identification-Friendly or Foe] transponder...aka...a military transponder that IS NOT SEEN BY FAA RADAR SYSTEMS, then this military transponder WOULD show the airvehicle's altitude to a "mystery" radar tracking facility...or NORAD-NEADS...or to an E4B etc.

Could a military IFF transponder be the sorce of the 7000 foot atltitude?

AND...could this same "mystery radar facility" be the source that informed the SS which then became the source of identifying the primary target to National Tower as being AA77...which Stephenson seems to indicate?

And further, WHEN and WHERE would this information have been originally "seen" along the alleged route of AA77 from eastern Ohio?

Please remember, O'Brien's supervisor "conveniently" informed O'Brien to be on the lookout for at high speed unidentified primary target transiting her airspace...and this convenience was conveyed but a FEW MINUTES before she "saw" this target transiting her airspace. Pretty damned convenient for me.

Further yet, WHO informed O'Brien's supervisor to alert his ATC s to be on the lookout for a high speed primary target moving through their airspace.

How did THAT communications link-up happen?

Where is the original source of this warning...the "mystery radar facility"...and even further far back did this "mystery source" sense that there would be a high speed primary target heading to WDC?

Eastern Ohio?...perhaps...

PLEASE REMEMBER...AA77 was lost to radar contact over a half an hour earlier over eastern Ohio...and when last seen it was heading to the southwest and had begun a descent.

My poinyt here...NOBODY in the FAA knew that AA77 was heading easterly]...perhaps because maybe it wasn't...but IF perhaps it WAS heading east...and IF perhaps some "mystery" radar facility actually was tracking it all the way...then it would be tracking it well enough to inform [conveniently in a "timely fashion"] the Potomac Tracon to be on the lookout for a high speed primary target that might be haeding to the WDC area.

In all of this, the mystery of the 7000 foot altitude INFORMS ME that there is another line of identification of this high speed primary target outside the FAA...and if so, the NORAD-the SS-or some other radar equipped facility or airbourne platform could have been watching this aircraft all the way.

So, if I were asked right now to conclude something based upon my research, it would be that a deep radar tracking OP at NORAD, the SS, onboard an airbourne Command and Control Center, or buried somewhere in the PEOC or some other clandestine location [under the mountains in VA?] may be the "overseer" of all of this activity...

...and further, that this is the source of the radar information provied to Cheney in the PEOC...aka..."50 miles out...30 miles out...10 miles the orders still stand?" scenario.

Perhaps this is why Stephenson has not returned my phone calls.

3. OR...perhaps its because Stephenson could not "see" the aircraft hit the Pentagon because he could not see the Pentagon from National his testimony so establishes? IE: Stephenson states that the aircraft dropped behind some buildings...thus loosing POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION of that aircraft...and THEN seeing a fireball.

Therefore, he did NOT SEE the airvehicle HIT the Pentagon...nor did anybody else at National Tower.

I ask that you and ALL truthers to please be very carefull when assessing what is said, when it is said, why it was said, and what it actually means regarding air traffic control and radar systems.

Its all very, very complex...but we will get through it all.

FYI...I have spent hundreds of hours pulling apart problematic aviation events using radar data, controller statements and audio tapes...and its all very complicated. Please step slowly...NOBODY knows what happened at the Pentagon.

And for the record, in analyzing the radar data that I have been provided, I can show where the radar was scrubbed along the flight path that an airvehicle would traverse IF it had overflown the Pentagon on that heading...and then made a turn to a northwesterly heading where Gopher06 eventually flew at a seemingly appropriate time. This story is NOT over...

EVERYBODY...should step back a bit...and certainly should also consider Honegger's work showing a "first explosion" at the Pentagon as being at 09:30 or 09:32 some five to seven minutes BEFORE any airvehicle arrived? at the Pentagon...and TRY to make THAT fit into one's "hypothesis"...

And likewise, EVERYBODY should pay attention to my future posts to present the evidence that will ID the airvehicle that passed over the generator and may have struck the Pentagon...its the " WTC Dust" at the Pentagon that P4T should have climbed all over several years ago.

Stay tuned...and until all the emotional "territorial defending" has calmed down a bit I will simply try to explain my research seen in my affidavit for Gallop.

Once people's eyes. ears and minds have reopened regarding what happened at the Pentagon, then I'll share my "Pentagon Dust".

Calm down everybody...just calm down...the Pentafgon-AA77 scenario is really complicated...and the Pentagon's achilles heel...Operation Northwoods, circa 2001; in my mind's eye...

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 1:31am.
Show ""Calm down everybody...just" by jpass

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"Calm down everybody...just

"Calm down everybody...just calm down...the Pentafgon-AA77 scenario is really complicated...and the Pentagon's achilles heel...Operation Northwoods, circa 2001; in my mind's eye..."

I'm not convinced that the issue at the Pentagon is complicated. There are over 10 witnesses who all say the plane flew North of the Citgo. It doesn't get much easier then this. Imagine any other crime where 10 witnesses corroborate each other.
Submitted by jpass on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 7:55am.
Show "jpass...yes, but that air vehicle could have overflown and..." by Robin Hordon

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jpass...yes, but that air vehicle could have overflown and...

...dropped a missile just before it did so. Or, it could have veered or swerved to create the entry would and damage path...

YET...another weak point of all this research is that most Truthers are actually BELIEVING the Building Performance Report issued by...da-da...The Pentagon. Hold on folks, if YOU wanted to hide the truth, would YOU write a report that helps truth seekers discover your malfeasances?

So, maybe the REAL impact path was along the north path and the airvehicle flying overhead the CIT witnesses DID hit the Pentagon making a damage path that would later be hidden by a falsified Building performance Report...which in and of itself is an interesting, and certainl very handy document that was made available by the feds...much different than the videos which have been witheld. HMMM? ever wonder WHY we got the Building Performance Report?

Is there anybody out there that automatically DOUBTS the veracity of ALL information provided by ANY department or organization within the US government...or am I alone in this skepticism? This skepticism is in place for all of my analysis...and I try to so state when I make my points.

jpass... the Pentagon-AA77-NORAD-NEADS-FAA-Secret Service-E4B-PEOC-Cheney-Mineta-FDR-Pilots for 9/11 Truth/DVD/animation PR-body parts-generator damge-conflicting eyewitnesses...all speak against your conclusion that its a simple story that needs to be told at the Penatgon. Sorry, but you are not correct.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 9:05am.
Show "Ok Robin" by jpass

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Ok Robin

Ok Robin. There is a simple matter though. Regardless of any theories...the north of citgo path shows us the 'official path' was probably staged. This evidence should be included with other evidence held in high regard by the 9/11 Truth movement.

The interview with Lloyd England, to me, is indicative of someone who was involved in the staging of a crime scene. knowingly or not...for what reasons....who knows.
Submitted by jpass on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 10:19am.

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Victronix...this is a GREAT EXAMPLE...of ID via a media push...

Victronix, I ask that you and others take a look at how the "identification" of the UNIDENTIFIED primary radar target went from being an UNIDENTIFIED primary radar target to being AA77.

Just check out the difference between what Spencer shows was the FAA American Airlines B757, into the "conclusion" that it was AA77 presented by the St. Petersburgh Times.

At that time, there was NO evidence of such, and still there is not any positive and accessible evidence with a credible trail of possession that establishes that this primary target IS AA77. [Although it might turn out to be such].

If anyone want to read Thompson's Timeline, its not too hard to see how this "story" was put into play and fraudulently "bounced into reality" by the parroting press. All the HI PERPS had to do was throw in a few factoids [a non-fact fact] along the way and then corporate press "group think" would take it from there.

I got wrapped up in clarifying the ATC aspects of your position and forgot to expose this "information press creep"...which of course is so very problematic in our quest for truth.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

Note: Air traffic controllers certainly can distinguish the differences between the various aircraft, so, with a small caveat, I'm comfortable with Stephenson's identifying of the aircraft being a B757. Now, being an American Airlines B757, well that's a different story...because. A military B757...a C32 I believe...could be painted in teh colors of an American Airlines B757. Certainly serial numbers at the crash scene could prove this...but?

MORE...although a bit of a repeat...sorta...there is also no possible way for Stephenson, or anybody else to positively identify that primary radar target as being AA77 [two-way radio contact is requiered for this...and there was none] unless they had been tracking AA77 after it was lost to positive radar contact over eastern Ohio. Here is my point...Stephenson could not look out his tower window and somehow "know and establish" that this air vehicle, one that looked like an American Airlines B757, was indeed, AA77.

CAVEAT:...regarding what Stephenson "saw"...For a vast majority of the flight path of this UNIDENTIFIED PRIMART TARGET as it circled to the right in its descent just west of the Pentagon, and thusly, just north of National Tower, the aircraft was headed more or less straight at National Tower...and only aircraft "type" might possibly be established from that vantage point, and that would be because of the B757s unusual cockpit window designs when compared to most large airliners. This is a small difference, but ATCs are pretty good at visuals. Then, as the UNIDENTIFIED PRIMARY RADR TARGET continued its turn to the west and then back to the northeast, the aircraft was first exposing its underbelly to National Tower making the paint job a bit harder to see...then as it turned west, the view would shift from from tail-to-front in which neither aircraft type nor paint scheme could be seen...and then as it turned back to the northeast, the aircraft would be still be banking to the right exposing the top of the wings etc., and also, prehaps the best view of the paint scheme as that of an American Airlines paint scheme. Its a small caveat here...but I'm responsible to bring it forth.

AN INTERESTING EYEWITNESS REPORT: Some where I read in one of the eyewitness reports regarding the airvehicle that eventually "struck"? the Pentagon in which it states that the person "saw passengers in the windows" as it went past"...or something like this. Well, if what we were told is true, all these passengers would be in the rear section only?? And, next time you are at an airport during the daytime...on a very bright day, try to look into the windows and see how easily you can "see" the passengers on the inside. Its virtually impossible to see them. At night with the cabin lights on...easy...but during the day when the interior is darker than the exterior light...a very, very hard thing to do. But, even IF it was a military C32? painted as an American Airlines B757 AND had some heads of passengers painted on the outside of the blanked-X-window holes on the C32, then after the crash, the HI PERPS would have to pick up all the pieces that were painted as such...HMMM...seems to me someone was picking up some stuff if I remember correctly. Now, I'm NOT saying that this scenario happened and I actually think that this eyewitness may have been "projecting" images of passengers during that 1-2 seconds of visual contact...but again, one never knows and we need to do much, much more work in investigating the entire Penatgon-AA77-Cheney-PEOC scenario. rdh
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Mon, 07/12/2010 - 11:35am.

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Problem with the tale....

Did the FAA warn other aircraft in the area prior to impact?
There is no record – or even ‘tales’ - of ATC directing aircraft away from the “rogue aircraft,” no ATC warnings, no pleas for other aircraft to look for the "missing" aircraft, no continuous calls from ATC, attempting to establish contact – on any frequency. There were no TCAS (mid-air collision) alarms, with aircraft in a busy terminal area scattering for clear airspace. Nor were there any secondary TCAS alarms from the otherwise expected chaos.

The FAA order for all aircraft to land hadn't yet been announced, when the supposed 757 hit the Pentagon; there would have been an abundance of conflicting aircraft at the Dulles and Reagan airport areas.

For those unfamiliar, the TCAS system allows the transponders of different aircraft to electronically warn each other of a collision threat – with computerized audio and visual warnings in the cockpits of the planes involved. “Hard” warnings generate audio and visual commands, for the pilots to climb or descend to evade a collision.

Remember that the FAA claimed the aircraft circled and descended from 7,000 feet, overhead the Pentagon. Only a functioning transponder would yield an FAA digital display, indicating the altitude. In the world of facts, they can’t have it both ways. The transponder was either on or off. All of that assuming that the aircraft was factual. If there was an aircraft actually involved, an Air Force fighter for example, it made a low pass; it didn't hit the Pentagon!

Beyond the 'normal' tight airspace restrictions, such an 'accident' or 'incident' site automatically becomes "Prohibited" airspace for pilots. No pilot in his/her right mind would go near the area - without an 'official' directive.

Again, if the purported 757 transponder had been ON, it would have caused ATC and TCAS warning chaos with innumerable aircraft within the Baltimore/Dulles/Reagan Airport areas, as the aircraft approached the Pentagon. Yet, there were no questions asked about that discrepancy!
Submitted by Swingdangler on Mon, 07/12/2010 - 6:38pm.

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In the end, the 7000' information may bury Cheney...

Swingdangler...nice to hear someone competent in the aviation aspects of the aviation events on 9/11. Also, I'm glad that you expalined TCAS to folks because from what I remember reading and from what I analyzed in the radar data provided by the US Military's RADES radar traking and recording facility, there indeed was some traffic that the UNIDENTIFIED PRIMARY TARGET was near or close to being "conflict with"...a DCA arrival on the west side of DCA if I remember correctly. On this radar video, it shows quite a few aircraft in sequence for landing at DCA and BWI as well as quite a bit of slower VFR type aircraft "flitting about" the WDC area...NOT neccessarily near P56...but skirting it. Also Gopher06 and Venus77 [and another ADW departure was noted. One helicopter [I surmise] circled the west side of the Penatgon and went up river to Langley...the CIA I suspect. And theer is a lotta high speed-high altitude-multiple aircraft flights observed also...including the fighter that flew past the Pentagon after the crash? or explosion?

Please, with whatever expertise that you may have in aviation...I ask that you try to find the ORIGINAL SOURCE of the 7000 foot altitude at the start of the descent. Reports have it established at 7000 feet out near IAD and this may have come from the, timing of the report is key here.

Obviously, if the FAA radar didn't see the transponder, and the FDR is not the source of the 7000 feet, then it most likely came from a military IFF transponder, and that puts Cheney right in the loop of insuring a stand-down order [or making it look like he did to "cover" the fact it was a military airvehicle] and knowledgeably allowing/assisting the attack on the Pentagon. FINALLY, someone is seeing a few of these things that I first brought up to P4T YEARS AGO!.

Truthers...all of this is analysis and discussion and NOT any form of conclusion....but if you want to "hunt" something..."HUNT THE 7000 FEET"...

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 1:50pm.

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This is not bad news unless...

...Truthers state that it is bad news...because that would mean that someone was so presumptive as to KNOW what happened at the Pentagon...and truthfully, only the HI PERPS know that.

Somewhere in the archives of this site is one version of my affidavit in support of April may be informative in forwarding this entire discussion.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 11:51pm.

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That's a bit confusing, Robin

"This is not bad news unless ...Truthers state that it is bad news... because that would mean that someone was so presumptive as to KNOW what happened at the Pentagon...and truthfully, only the HI PERPS know that."

The reason I said it is bad news is precisely because CIT is adamantly proclaiming that they KNOW what happened at the Pentagon, all the while selectively manipulating evidence to fit with their theory. A theory that they insist is fact. On the other hand, I don't know of many people in the movement who claim to KNOW FOR SURE that AA77 hit the Pentagon, only that there's more than enough indication of it to avoid making the kind of claims that CIT does.
Submitted by YT on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 5:12am.

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Part of our journey is dealing with disinfo-cointelpro...

...and it is most likely at the highest levels since the JFK assassination.

I am NOT stating that CIT is cointelpro-disinfo...only that for the 9/11 Truth Community to unwind this crazy mess at the Pentagon and elsewhere, we ALSO need to deal with any info being dis-info...and then postulate from there.

If the 9/11 Truth Community keeps reacting, or in my view, overreacting to information that comes forward that challenges some "pet" or "existing" theories, then we cannot be considered open minded enough to discover or present credible information...credible information that reaches the levels of the studies of the WTC collapses for instance.

I am glad that CIT is presenting their information worldwide...I fully expect that it will generate more people doing more research because in the end, they make it clear that the US Governement's story...the just not accurate.

Take the point that I have been trying to make for years...a point that P4T has blithly ignored as they present exactly what the HI PERPS wanted presented...IE: ...that AA77 never started a descent and WAS the airvehicle that fully turned around and headed east. The NTSB Flight Path Study establishes that AA77, when still in positive radar contact, was observed to begin a descent and had only made a partial left turn at the point where it was lost to positive radar identification. For the FAA ATC system to "see" the beginning of a descent, the aircraft has to be AT LEAST 400 feet off of assigned this case FL350. Therefore, the altitude "seen" by the FAA ATC system had to be at FL346 or lower.

Well, P4T and others get their shorts in a twist noting that the FDR notes that the airvehicle was about 200 feet +/- too high to hit the Pentagon at THAT end of the journey...

...but they NEVER look back far enough in the flight to find that the FDR DOES NOT SHOW a 400 foot loss of altitude just before it was lost to positive radar contact. The NTSB Study shows a descent [of at least 400 feet-my ATC information to you all]...and the FDR and animation, and for some strange reason, Pilots for 9/11 Truth show a level flight...something is not right here...and I'm more comfortable with the NTSB Flight Path Study.

So, CIT helps me make this point IE:...that the FDR found? at the Pentagon is either a fake or has been hacked to tell the HI PERP's "story line". I appreciate their openess because nobody else makes my point...and its a very, very important point indeed..

And CIT does NOT depend upon the FDR that was "allegedly" from AA77 to form its positions.
[The FDR was found several days after the crash...HUH how did that happen...why not finding it that afternoon? They seemed to have found the FDRs at the WTCs according to Lindorff anyway. WASSUP?]

So, this is ONE of "my pets"...the hacked FDR... and I would welcome more information that might help clarify things like this...because I DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AT THE PENTAGON.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 7:09am.


Show "Uhh" by Swingdangler

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So if you accept the North of Citgo evidence that is contradictory to the OCT, then *drum roll please* where did the plane go??

You CAN NOT have a North of Citgo flight path and the official story damage path and cone of destruction at the same time!

Which begs the question, yet again, where did plane go if it didn't go on the official flight path? What is the logical conclusion to this question when the primary evidence contradicts the official story?
Submitted by Swingdangler on Mon, 07/12/2010 - 6:45pm.

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There are some scenarios that have some shaky evidence...

There is some radar evidence that radar returns forwarded by RADES has been tampered with along the flight path that an overflying aircraft would take IF it turned towards the northwest along th esame path as Gopher06.

There are reports of an airliner crashing at Camp David...

Existing slim evidence shows that IF there was an aircraft swap, it most likely did it over central West Virginia which leaves the scenario where the swapped IN airvehicle flew and struck the Penatgon...or overflew it on the aforementioned northwesterly track IF an overflight occurred.

And/or, that the swapped out B757 travelled at low altitudes northeasterly up the central valley in WV and up towards Camp David but a low altitudes...perhaps to crash? Again, very loose DOTS here...

We are but 10-20% of the way in collecting information regarding the AA77-Pentagon-Cheney element of 9/11.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 4:18pm.


Show "I fully endorse the comment about aviation activity..." by Robin Hordon

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I fully endorse the comment about aviation activity... National Airport being nothing unusual at all...and that an overflight "could" be seen as nothing out of the ordinary flight path activities that day. I do believe that National was landing and departing to the north and that means that departures were flying north right past the Pentagon. And for these travellers, who travel the road so often that they do not even notice such aviation activities, an overflight could easily have blended in and NOT be seen as anything too different at all. But this is not a conclusion...just support of one point made above.

An FYI...I actually made a point to get to the Pentagon area and walk the parking lot at the Naval Annex, drive around all the roads and check out the gas station. This aviation activity by a large airliner sure would be tricky...if not lucky. Its a tight descent and small low target...and at those speeds. YIKES!

BTW...the more interesting thing stated by Roberts was that he was aware that the country was in DEFCON4...the HIGHEST ALERT LEVEL...aka...a national defense emergency [If I remember correctly anyway] even before he went outside when he saw the airvehicle flying away. What this means is that the entire national defense structure was engaged and "looking" for bad stuff in the skies.

But, its possible that Roberts may have seen a large airvehicle making its first pass while in descent in that well known descending right turn before approaching/hitting/overflying? the Pentagon. The timing is very key here and I am not sure how all that fits. Good stuff anyway...

So, how did this airvehicle make it all the way to the Pentagon IF the US Military was on highest alert?

Cheney of course...or Operation Northwoods circa 2001...or both.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 10:04am.
Show "Helicopter Circling The Pentagon Just Before Flight 77 Impacts" by brian78046

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Helicopter Circling The Pentagon Just Before Flight 77 Impacts


Defcon 4 and the Pentagon's missile defense went to sleep? Talk about a stand down. Then again, a helicopter was circling the Pentagon at the time. If that helicopter was military it would deactivate the Pentagon's missiles. One snag though, if it was a military helicopter, why wasn't the pilot told to get out of the Pentagon's air space, because the Pentagon was watching an unknown target approaching the Washington, DC area. That, again, substantiates a stand down.

See what Barbara Honegger has to say about this, can you?

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC
Submitted by brian78046 on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 7:49pm.
Show "Good points...but from what I understand..." by Robin Hordon

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Good points...but from what I understand...


Because one airvehicle is squawking an IFF transponder was flying in the airspace protected by the Penatgon's defense system, this does not mean that the entire air defense system is shut down. A better understanding about this is that if ANY air vehicle was squawking an IFF transponder [Identification-Friend or Foe]...or military transponder, the air defense system would "see" THAT airvehicle as being friendly and would not be concerned about it. Usually the same goes for an airvehicle squawking an FAA transponder...IE: its presumed to be friendly, and additionally, human flight monitors would be able to easily track that airvehicle with the FAA transponder...and most are friendly for sure.

Its a TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY regarding a HIGH SPEED PRIMARY TARGET HEADING STRAIGHT FOR WDC...this type of target is the QUINTESSENTIAL or EXACT target that the entire air defense system has been designed to DEFEND AGAINST.

So, the deliberate and neccessary "stand-down" issue has considerable legs here...and we need to never let it go.

BTW...I have seen the helicopter activity around the Pentagon on 9/11 by examining the radar data provided by RADES...and it certainly strikes me as very interesting indeed. In fact I tracked one such flight up to Langley [CIA] just upriver. Anyway, you ask good questions here...and I might remind you of a strong probability. IF one of the helicopters was involved, and it was painted to look like a civilian helicopter to keep the questions at bay, the HI PERPS would certainly have equipped it with BOTH an FAA transponder and a military IFF transponder.

And, I have read Honegger's work and have talked/consulted with her personnally, so, unless there is another white paper by her on the subject of the 09:30-09:32 first explosion time in which she staes that it was most likely a military air vehicle that struck the Pentagon [which I certainly would not be surprised about], then I think that I am up-to-date about her WORTHY!!! research. If not and she has published something new, please feel free to link me up...I'm interested. She usually copies me on her work anyway.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 7:39am.

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What Barbara Honegger Wrote


Here's what Barbara wrote, "Only a military aircraft, not a civilian plane flown by al Qaeda, would have given off the "Friendly" signal needed to disable the Pentagon’s anti?aircraft missile batteries as it approached the building." --

Because of the close proximity of National Airport, the Pentagon's missile system was automatic, no time for human judgement.

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC
Submitted by brian78046 on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 9:54pm.

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Human judgement exists and is critical...this is complicated...


This is all very, very complicated and I ask that you carry some of the water in my other words, since I'm not a wordsmith, you gotta try to understand...

My overidding point:

There is not ONE killing system operated by the US Milirtary that has been designed to "operate or function" in deathly attacks or defenses WITHOUT HUMAN APPROVALS....

OK, think of that a we go...

What ever air defense system was in use to protect the critical airspaces in the vicinity of WDC, there are NO air defense systems designed that operate FULLY outside of human influence in decision making. Some human being HAS TO make the final decision to "kill" an invader.

This decision IS NOT assigned to an electronical or mecahnical device...its a PERSON BABY!

Anyway, this "given" includes the protocols of defending the sensitive airspaces all around WDC...and all of this is the MOST COMPLEX AIRSPACE IN THE, lets take a few breaths every now and then...its really complicated... what the air defense system has been designed "around"...

...that, no matter what, the US Military DOES NOT KILL...a accident.

So, this answers your erroneus comment: "No time for human judgemant..."

Human judgement is positioned at the proper places at the proper times so that the "system" does not take the human's responsibilities over and begin to make the critical judgements that have always been HUMAN JUDGEMENTS.

Applying this concept to the aviation aspects of 9/11/2001 surrounding the WDC airspace...there was NO AUTOMATIC FIRING OF MISSILES to defend the various important and critical airspaces all around WDC.

Any such decisions to "shoot down" needed the highest levels of Secret Security or Penatgon approvals.

PLEASE NOTE: This is totally different from the authority that the leader of an interceptor crew has when intercepting a particular "target" should that target be in position to inflict damage to, or the killing of property and people on the ground, respectively. The commander of such a flight crew has authority to kill without higher approavals...IF the situtaion so demands. The HI PERPS have tried to make us all think something different...but that's another full thread... that that's behind us...

What Honegger's statement "states" correct...that an IFF transponder, it will: "disable the Pentagon's anti-aircraft missile batteries"... is where the misunderstanding comes into play...

Honegger meant that the SPECIFIC...IFF transponder....associted with the SPECIFIC... AIRCRAFT...will "disable" the anti-aircraft missile defense sytstem from attacking THAT SPECIFIC AIRCRAFT...and that...

...the entire anti-aircraft system is NOT shut down because of ANY aircraft squawking an IFF transponder code in that airspace...

Although Honegger's statement could be interpreted that just ANY IFF transponder would shut down the ENTIRE air-defense system, it is not stating that point at all.

Instead, the correct interpretation is that:

The IFF transponder will shut down AN ATTACK AGAINST an aviation target that HAS THAT SPECIFICC TRANSPONER TRANSMITTING ITS SIGNALS...

So, stating it more briefly, an IFF transponder serves several purposes...but the principal one is to ID "itself" to ANY and ALL military radar systems that it a friendly...and that it should NOT be shot down.

Conclusion: Honegger was alluding that the SPECIFIC AIRCRAFT would not shut down the ENTIRE anti-aircraft system...BUT that...the SPECIFIC TARGET would ONLY PREVENT the anti-aircraft system from shooting THAT SPECIFIC TARGET down...because it indicated a "FRIENDLY" transponder return.

Hope this helps...

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Mon, 07/12/2010 - 1:39am.

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Another Problem

I understand what you are saying in your Conclusion. It makes sense. Here's another problem I have...

So if two Soviet sabotage agents piloting a 767 took off from National Airport and made a tight turn entering Pentagon airspace heading directly for the Pentagon, THEN Pentagon radar operators would have to first confirm a hostile aircraft rapidly approaching, THEN inform the missile battery operators that a hostile aircraft is approaching and from what direction the aircraft is approaching from, THEN the missile operators would activate the nearest battery to the aircraft, THEN the missile fires.

By then the hostile aircraft has just killed the Secretary of Defense and his senior officers!

Or the functions of radar and fire control could all be wrapped up with the missile battery team, in which case they would only have to confirm a hostile aircraft, THEN when confirmed activate the automatic functions of the missiles. In this scenario it might work, but it still seems a bit risky!

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC
Submitted by brian78046 on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 3:14am.

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It is presumed that...

...ANY aircraft that took off from National, or in positive control on ots way to landing at National, that it is a friendly.

Its the UNIDENTIFIED airvehicles that the Pantagon's air defense system is esigned to deal with. In your scenario, and because of the close proxinity, there indeed would be a deatthly attack.

Its airport security and the FAA's control of events affecting the NAS...National Airspace System that is on guard in your scenarion. A bit iof a roll of the dice for sure.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 4:27pm.

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Unfriendly Work Office


wow, that boggles my mind!

That means if Soviets/Chinese sometime in the future think they can move against the West and win, one of the first targets will be the Pentagon, which can be taken-out by 767/757 sized aircraft!

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC
Submitted by brian78046 on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 10:52pm.

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Boggles the mind...YUP

One of the principal reasons that IAD was built well west of WDC is to handle the international traffic in and out of WDC. I'm aware that National airport is too short for such long range flights and that was the primary factor.

Dean, a deeper understanding of how well "controlled and observed" the airspace surrounding WDC actually IS, will help in understanding the "security issues" that we are talking about.

Simply put, ALL air traffic needs to get some form of approvals even to fly NEAR WDC...and this is accomplished by the FAA for civilian aircraft and the Military for military airports...and this is why...

There is a sophisticated and complex interrelationship between all the FAA-Military and SS facilities...and clandestinely so for the SS and info sent to the PEOC and other safe houses associated with COG...wherever they are.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 10:37am.




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Seems absurd

And I do not trust Jim Hoffman either.

Much less probable than a flyover, which is infinitely more likely to have occured, and they even claim to have eyewitnesses reporting the plane flying away.

A "plane bomb" detonating pre-impact, that's absurd.
Submitted by Robert Rice on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 6:58pm.


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Hoffman "suggests" that the damage dimensions and a B757 fit.

Had Jim Hoffman and Pilots for 9/11 Truth taken the time and precisely measured the three points of impact and damage near and upon the generator, quite a bit of discussion about "What hit the Penatgon" may have been short cut significantly.

From what I have seen in my research into this subject so far, I have only seen some cartoonish depictions or unofficial and "not-to-scale" diagrams offering "loose" measurements. I suspect that this inaccurate information most likely lead Hoffman to only "suggest" that the damage fits the profile or dimensions of the damage which would be inflicted by a B757's engines and wing flap supports hanging under the wings.

But there is a HUGE problem here...from my analysis anyway...the damage to the top center-right of the generator could not have been inflicted by the wing flap track [or its covering-faring...all of which are loosely called a "canoe".]...and here it is:

If its presumed that the damage to the low lying cement wall was inflicted by the left engine nacelle of the airvehicle...and...that the damage done to the top left coner of the generator as it sat in its raised position was inflicted by the right engine nacelle, this would indicate that the airvehicle was in a left bank...aka...not flying level but with the left wing lower and the right wing higer. Precise measurements could establish this angle of bank.

And of critical nature, the distance between the center point of the damage to the low lying cement wall and the center point of the damage to the top left corner of the generator will establish the distance between the left and right engines of the particular air vehicle that struck" the Penatgon. This is an important measurement...indeed.

Additionally, as is the case in most aircraft, the left and right wings are designed with "dyhedral", or an upward slant between the fuselage and the wing tips. Another way to describe dyhedral is to note that when the aircraft is on the ground parked, the distance between the bottom of the wing to the ground at the point where it attaches to the fuselage is considerably LESS than the distance to the ground between the wing tip and the ground. This difference in distances establishes the exact angle of the dyhedral that was, for good reasons, designed into the aircraft in the first place.

And, although a minor change in measurements or dyhedral angles, during flight the wings are actually bent more upwards because they are holding up, or lifting the aircraft. This is in comparison to the drooped wings when the aircraft is on the ground parked where the wheels are holding up the aircraft and the wings consequently do indeed, droop downwards a bit out towards the wingtips.

Considering all of the above, the "in-flight" dyhedral and the positions of the two engine nacelles at impact, the damage to the top center-right of the generator becomes TELLTALE as to the specific airvehicle that made this damage.

It will be found that there is ONLY ONE specific airvehicle which is designed and built with the dimensions that can inflict the damage to the low cement the upper left of the generator...and to the top center-right of the generator. will be only ONE specific airvehicle...or a model thereof.

Again, from what I am able to observe so far, if a B757 was in a left bank and so close to the ground that the left engine nacelle struck the low lying cement wall...and the right engine struck the top left corner of the higher sitting generator, then the right wing flap track or canoe of a B757 would have PASSED WELL ABOVE the top center-right of the generator.

So, from my early conclusions, this airvehicle was NOT a B757.

Here is some additional information that "may" become a player in this research...and it adds to Honegger's suppositions that it was a "military aircraft" that struck the Pentagon.

In order for an aircraft to inflict the damage shown at the low cement wall, the top left of the generator and the top center-right of the generator ESTABLISHING A LEFT BANKED FLIGHT PROFILE...the part of the wing which ended up striking the top center-right of the generator HAD TO BE BOTH HANGING LOW ENOUGH AND NARROW ENOUGH to make that square-ish gash streaked across the top center-right of the generator.

Several military aircraft types are designed to hold under-wing fuel tanks or armaments or bombs...and consequently have below-wing mounts and protrusions. Another point here...the design criteria for such under-wing extentions are such that these mounts need to extrend low enough under the wings so that when ground crews attach fuel tanks, armaments, or bombs to these STRONG mounting devices, they can do this from the ground if at all possible. This "suggests", if I might use one of Hoffman's terms, that such under-wing attachments would EXTEND DOWNWARD well below the B757's flap track...aka...canoe.

Although not yet conclusive, I would not be surprised if the dimensions that are required to fit all three points of damage to the cement wall, the top left of the generator and the top center-right of the generator were inflicted by a military airvehicle with such long-ish below-wing mounts. But maybe not...

Perhaps we can find out by perfoming exacting measurements to the three points of damage and then comparing them to the existing airvehicles' dimensions...especially those in Jayne's Military Weapons records.

Now, one would think that Pilots for 9/11 truth, with its extensive and cumulative military piloting background held by most of its members, and of course its fair share of cointelpro types that are certainly lurking there too, would have thought about this analysis before this time period. This is even more apparent when one thinks about how much time P4T has spent in looking all around the Penatgon and analysing what happened or didn't happen regarding the flight characteristics and capabilities of a ....B757...HMMM...there's that...B757...thing again. Hey, maybe they are right...who knows?

Anyway, no such simple analysis of this TELLTALE damage has taken place by this group of Professional Pilots. Instead P4T has committed their work to expose into the public's consciousness a FDR and the resulting animation [each provided them by a FOIA request routed through ENGLAND???] showing indeed WAS AA77...a B757... that turned around and remained at level flight in its turn in eastern Ohio...and indeed also was the airvehicle that began a gradual descent down and eventually into the Penatgon.

Truthfully, with even a moderate level of research, the FDR would have been shown to be a fake or hacked when compared to the NTSB Flight Path Study. Now, being "pilots", one would think that looking into a "Flight Path Study" would be right down their alley. Instaed, P4T has built its empire upon a "timely" aquisition and public presentation of this FDR and animation instead of doing solid research that would question the FDR's veracity.

Further, P4T reluctantly put some information on ther first DVD noting that the...B757...may not have been AA77 because they DID respond to my YELLS AND SCREAMS at Balsamo...and this is NOT an understatement at all! Balsamo is the "leader-founder" of P4T and is s tad hard headed.

Anyways, as I have kept up exposing my "concerns" over the levels of unbiased? and thorough?, and accurate?, research conducted by P4T, this "radar contact was lost" information along with my voice-over were removed from subsequent DVD releases.

Now, why P4T did not follow my leads and do the research themselves into the NTSB Flight Path Study ...which shows that AA77 had begun a descent in its partial left turn BEFORE it was lost to positive radar ceratinly not because I failed to point out and ask such research of them during my "yelling at Balsamo", because surely I did inform him repeatedly. So, it must be for another reason that they have ignored the NTSB Flight Path Study in this instance. Perhaps it is because had their investigation, and exposure of the fact that AA77 had indeed started a descent during its partial left turn over eastern Ohio, it would have highlighted that the FDR and animation was indeed a fabrication or had been hacked to tell the HI PERP's storyline...a storyline that P4T has been telling under the guise of exposing something different for years now.

So, here is my challenge to P4T:

Step up and do the measurements at the generator...and then compare them to all other twin jet engined airvehicles known today...and of course to both Jaynes Military Aircraft inventory and the US Military's aircraft inventory.

Hey, it might end up being a...B757...and it also may end up being AA77...never know without GOOD RESEARCH!

Obviously this is the "WTC DUST at the PENTAGON" that I have been teasing about for two years now...and I do think that an accurate analysis will establish the airvehicle "type" that struck the generator.

And this data exists because this evidence was not able to be "controlled" by the Pentagon and its Intel thugs. The dust came from independent did all the videos and photographs showing the WTC collapses...all of which were analyzed outside of the Military-Intel-Corporate Media "controls" of such information by incredibly dedicated and "accredited" professionals in their trades [Jones-Gage et al].

Likewise, the data surrounding the generator damage exists outside of Penatgon-Intel thugs' controls because it has been photographed independently, and the airvehicle "candidates" are also in the public domain...mostly anyway.

Lets hope that P4T steps up and performs this analysis at the same competent and UNBIASED manner in which Jones, Ryan, Gage, Scott and Griffin have done theirs.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

PS: It should be quite clear why I, as a commercial pilot with 1600 hours of flight time and a former air taffic controller, found it neccessary to remove myself from being part of Pilots for 9/11 Truth organization. rdh

PSII: A note to Jim Hoffman...first thanks for all your work...its incredible and very instructive...but not yet definitive because very little is definitive so far. But, I do ask that if, while doing important work in worrying about the 9/11TM being "set-up" by cointelpro with the various AA77-Pentagon controversies, might you have also been pranked by referring to such inaccurate information that presented the "generator story" in ways that it made you pass by both its significance, and the accuracies needed for a scientific ...aka... exacting analysis of that damage and what it actually meant?

I DO NOT mean this as a slur in aany way because I have shared such questioning of being "pranked' by the HI PERPS to others at even higher levels of influence than what you hold. Here is how I approach this entire subject:

Given: Its a well planned "9/11 Attacks War Game Scenario" pulled off by these HI PERP THUGS.

Given: That in planning for exactly how this attack scenario could and would work, that even MORE PLANNING would go into making sure that the "stories told and evidence presented or witheld" before, during and after the attacks was ALSO deliberated and competently acted out as the events began and unfolded over the years

In other words, if they had enough competency to plan and execute the attacks, then clearly they knew that they would have to cover their tracks afterwards. After all, it was Cheney and Rumsfeld that got their feet wet in the Watergate era...and what they learned then is that whatever you wanted to do, you have to make careful and thorough plans NOT to get caught doing it. Actually, I suspect that this would be their first order of business in making such devious plans!

The prime example of this foresight and media-info control is seen on Sofia' 9/11 Mysteries where that "plant" established that the towers came down from the collisions and the fires...when now we know differently.

I do appreciate and respect your work Jim...but like most evrything else in this crazy situation, more is yet to be learned. I know that I'm still just getting started. rdh
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 10:28am.


Show "This theory, amongst worth more study..." by Robin Hordon

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This theory, amongst worth more study...

I will be commenting about many responses to this subject matter for quite some time.

However, if anyone wants to get information about my research into these elements, please feel free to read my affidavit in support of April shows some stuff that NOBOBDY has ever even considered about the events at the Pentagon. I think that I posted one version somewhere on this site...but as was usual with me, it was soon taken down.

And this is of course because I find no other air traffic controllers commenting about ANYTHING regarding 9/11 Truth. Perhaps its because they have current careers and retirements to consider.

Ignorance,...and blindness...and NOT lack of intelligence is speaking very loudly on this subject matter...stay tuned, I have some deep explanin to do...and here is the FIRST one.

Every single "theory" about what happened at the Pentagin has TOTALLY ignored the solid evidence that is equal if not superior to any evidence so far presented about any of the theories regarding "What Happened at The Pentagon"...and this evidence is presented by Barbara Honegger in which she assembles a very solid case that the FIRST EXPLOSION at the Pentagon happened about five-to-seven minutes BEFORE the "alleged" flight arrived at the Pentagon 09:30 or 09:32.

Barbara's work is being ignored I suspect, because if what she presents is true, there are NO THEORIES or scenarioos that are viable to explain such an early explosion event.

Sorry gang, but the blinders need to come off and we need to step back and ACCEPT...that the events at the Pentagon are the closest held, and the most "disinfo-ed" and the most "red herring-ed" event in all of 9/11/2001....and its because it was Cheney's baby to make happen...

Take a break, step back, open the minds...we are being lets keep talkin and figuring stuff out. It will all make some sense someday.

Anybody, including Dr. Legge...who thinks that they have a foot up in the investigation regarding the Pentagon, and who thinks that they have the best "angle" on the events, is disserving our quest.

Please join me in projecting that the final story of the events at the Pentagon MAY...I say again...MAY...include some aspects of ALL the scenarios presented so far.

And of course Cheney and Company will be serving up red herrings and disinfo and distractions and blind leads all along this thread too.

If we are true to what we have accomplished so far, we will back up, rethink, open our minds and look into all of this in a more open, objective and unbisaed manner.

NOBODY...knows what happened at the Pentagon...and this includes YOU AND ME...except of course, the HI PERPS.

Lighten up gang...we have a lotta work to do.

BTW...if ANYONE finds a source that claims that it has identified the high speed primary target first??? seen by Danielle O'Brien as being that of AA77, then PLEASE inform me as soon as you can.

AND...there is NO WAY that Stephenson at National Tower could possibly KNOW that it was AA77...unless he was told so by the Secret Service or some other insider.

However, he certainly can be counted upon at identifying a B757 and an American Airlines PAINT JOB...and that's ALL he can testify to.

Additionally, please note that he STATES that the aircraft dropped down behind buildings and then he SAW a fireball. The point being, he did not see this aircraft hit the Pentagon...because he couldn't...

And its because he couldn't SEE the Pentagon form the National Tower...nobody could!

Stephenson has failed to return my phone calls.

There is much, much more to come...stay tuned...and open up the minds.

If we are 10% into finding out what happened at the Pentagon...and that's is a very high estimate.

Finally, [at least in this response] please pay attention down the road here because I have found the "dust" at the pentagon...and not a soul has travelled this road to discovery.

And Pilots for 9/11 Truth should have been all over ths several years ago...OH well...

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

PS: Pleas eforgive my spelling etc. There will be alotta info flowing out of me as the enties are submitted. rdh
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 11:24pm.



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I'd like to see how you would argue that

If you actually think that explosives could almost completely destroy a relatively slow-moving 90-ton Boeing jet aircraft at ground level - without leaving a crater in the ground, or damaging the foundation of the building - by all means write up a paper about it, and get it published in the Journal of 9/11 Studies, or somewhere else it will get serious attention. Good luck with that!
Submitted by nobodyparticular on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 4:29pm.
Show "I fully support more research into the "plane bomb" idea..." by Robin Hordon

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I fully support more research into the "plane bomb" idea...

...and its NOT because it establishes a "swap scenario" which I see as viable...but have very little proof to establish such.

Its because this theory does indeed answer quite a few questions that many of us have about many of each other's theories.

And if there were a swap scenario, then the airvehicle that was swapped in would have to be specifically prepared to accomplish this...including a paint job making it look like Chic Burlingame's American Airlines B757.

And since it is highly unlikely that a B757 inflicted the damage: to the low cement wall to the left of the the top left corner of the generator...and to the top-middle/right of the generator...because the combination of the left bank of the airvehicle and the dyhedral of a B757's wings would make the "below-wing" flap track extending underneath the right wing PASS WELL ABOVE the generator, and thusly NOT INFLICT the damage to the top-middle/right of the generator, then perhaps another military type airvehicle could have presented itself as an American Airlines B757, could have been loaded with the explosives required, and could have made the three points of damage that we see in and around the generator. But that's just me talking.

I think that this is the strongest case so far.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 10:18am



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There's more evidence than just the Building Performance Report

Hi Robin,

Even if we were to discount the Building Performance Report as not necessarily accurate, we still have to explain the other evidence of the directional nature of the observed damage from other sources. No official report or data is really necessary to establish the directional damage, since we have independent photographs of the light poles, the generator trailer, the outer facade damage to the E-Ring, as well as the C-ring hole - and especially those five downed light poles - that imply, or are carefully designed to imply, a specific directional path. Indeed, the location of the C-ring hole in relation to the damage to the outer facade is what establishes the trajectory within the building and the ASCE report is NOT required to establish this.

(Indeed, Craig Ranke addressed this concern in detail during his 2.5 hour debate last December with John Bursill - did you hear it, by any chance? It's well worth a listen.)

Furthermore there are no downed light poles on the north path. This is no small detail. Not to mention the plane reported by the witnesses on the north path was also in a significant right bank AND traveling relatively slowly according to expert percipient witnesses like heliport tower ATC Sean Boger, F4 pilot Terry Morin, and others.

So as a result, it's a misrepresentation of CIT's position to claim they "rely" on the ASCE report for their conclusions, and I agree there's certainly no reason for us to take the Building Performance Report at face value, just like there's no reason to take the radar data, flight data recorder data, or the NIST Report on the World Trade Center for that matter, at face value - and CIT doesn't either, I hope that's clear to you now.

And your other comments confuse me a bit: you seem to be questioning CIT in quoting this report, and at the same time you seem to be casting severe doubt on whether a plane hit the building, so it's not clear to me what your own interpretation of all this evidence - including Barbara Honegger's findings - is (if you have in fact developed a fully-formed thesis), but I would certainly be interested in hearing/reading it if you have one, unless you are simply offering various ideas as speculation, which is fair enough.

The way I see it, the flyover theory does not "belong" to CIT - lots of other people have suggested it as well - it's just that their multiple eyewitness evidence compliments the other existing photographic evidence and aeronautical improbabilities perfectly. I just don't think the fact that the government issued a possibly misleading Building Performance Report - when the same government appears to have also staged the light poles, and refuses to release clear video of the supposed impact - really makes a difference here.

The whole incident appears to be fabricated, from top to bottom, just like in New York City and Shanksville, and I think it's wise that we all proceed upon that assumption and be suitably skeptical of all information from government and corporate media sources, be they books, newspaper stories or TV reports - especially if such information conflicts with authenticated photographic evidence and eyewitness accounts that have been confirmed by interviews with independent investigators, and subject to meticulous and honest scrutiny and evaluation by peers in good faith - and I would make that case for evaluating all evidence related to 9/11, not just what happened at the Pentagon.

Just my two cents in response.
Submitted by nobodyparticular on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 12:11pm.
Show "I do NOT KNOW what happened at the Pentagon..." by Robin Hordon

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I do NOT KNOW what happened at the Pentagon...

I really do not know what happened at the Penatgon...therefore, all of my considerations are exactly that, considerations. They are not conclusions...which is why I remain open to all sorts of information that seems to surface all of the time.

I do not have a fully formed thesis as of yet...but...

I do have leanings...and the strongest that I have is outlined more competently eleswhere...and that is that the generator damage is telltale to the airvehicle "type" identity that did inflict such damage to the generator..and subsequently, to the Penatgon.

The ONLY thing that I KNOW regarding the Penatgon and

That AA77 was the ONLY airliner lost to positive radar contact on 9/11...and this is very significant to me as an air traffic controller...and that...

...AA77 was lost to positive radar contact over eastern Ohio...and that

... ANY TIME...or at ANY FACILITY...or at ANY GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION...has EVER made the claim that they re-identified AA77...OR THAT...the primary radar target that was first? noticed by Danille O'Brien at Dulles Tower/Potomac Tracon WAS AA77...and that...

...the process of concluding-presuming that the primary target that O'Brien saw was AA77 came about from information developed AFTER THE CRASH...and it is based mostly upon questionable evidence found? at the Pentagon crash site by the HI PERPS.

In other words, its only the word of the HI PERPS who told us about the evidence at the Penatgon upon which it has been concluded-presumed...that the primary target in question was/is AA77. This is NOT a reliable conclusion.

YET...even the majority of Truthers refer to this primary target as being AA77, when at best it should be acknowledged as being no more than the "alleged AA77". This is very poor discipline and/or a lack of awareness by the 9/11 Truth Community. The HI PERPS have NOT proven that the primary target is that of AA77...and its their responsibility to accomplish this in their study, analysis and reports. AA77 is the achilles heel of "The 9/11 Attacks War Game Scenario"...which is why the HI PERPS have gone so far out of their way to bury anything and everything about the flight...except what they want us to "know".

Please remember how important David Ray Griffin positions AA77 in the 9/11 attacks...most noteably regarding the "alleged" phone calls between the Olsens...and the "boxcutter" meme.

I also know that... was Chic Burlingame that was captain of AA77 on 9/11/2001...and that...

...I agree fully with Burlingame's family and every other pilot worth his or her salt in that a pilot NEVER GIVES UP HIS OR HER AIRAFT FOR ANY REASON UNDER THE SUN...and that the HI PERPS have floated a story that he gave up his cockpit to a smaller man at the point of a "boxcutter" that may or may not even exist. Burlingame did not give up his cockpit...knowingly. He may have become a victim of his very own military planning and analysis from a year earlier.

...and that this "Burlingame connection" may be very critical information to remember as we move ahead in our quest for truth.

C-ring damage...

I'm glad that you mentioned the "C-ring" damage...because from what I see, this hole was created by an interior explosion and NOT the landing gear or whatever else the "story line" wants us to believe...too round-symmetrical and the center of the hole seems too high off of the ground for "sliding" debris to create...

Consequently, I see the potential for the HI PERPS to establish the impact angle with the light poles and the C-ring. I feel that because of all the damage to the facade and to the columns etc., this facade damage could not be used to accurately establish a penetration path it goes back to the first piece of evidence in the flight/crash path-the light poles...and to the last piece of evidence in the flight/crash path...the C-ring.

Perhaps one of the explosions that Honegger refers to is that of the explosives that made that hole...perhaps not...but its not a whacky observation.

However, I'm a big "generator-as-evidence" fan and feel that the damage to it will tell us many, many things.

BTW...I have evidence supporting the possibility that the HI PERPS scrubbed some radar data along the flight path of an airvehicle that overflew the Penatgon along that flight path...and have so stated...and also...

...I have supported the view that if there were an overflight of the Penatgon, the airvehicle would not be as easily noticed as most people think. This is because National Airport was departing to the north that day and the departures and arrivalls in and out of National are quite routine, and thusly go unnoticed to most travellers on the highways.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 12:00pm.



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at that distance,

I'd say, no, it would have to be a much smaller aircraft, not unlike a global hawk or an A3 sky warrior, but not a Boeing 757.
I call it "the road runner" video.

Security Camera annimated gif

unlike you and John Bursill I've never thought it appeared to be on a slight dive angle to the impact point either, which might have helped to explain the "prestine Pentalawn" leading up to the wall.
Submitted by Robert Rice on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 4:28am.
Show "Here is one odd analysis of the FAB FIVE FRAMES...but..." by Robin Hordon

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Here is one odd analysis of the FAB FIVE FRAMES...but...

...maybe not that odd after all.


I am coming at this from the same point that I always do when given information generated by the HI PERPS...they give us what they want us to believe and steer us in directions that they want us to head.

Please remember that the HI PERPS have tens of other WHY these five frames?

In order to consider what I have to say about the FAB FIVE FRAMES, one must erase from one's rmind the "presumption" that it was an airbourne vehicle that is the object in these five frames. Just look at these five frames without an aviation prejudice...but before that...

I ask that you analyze the browned out streak of grass that runs from the highway to the impact area in a pathway that is almost perfectly in line with the commonly held approach path angle. I do not have that PIC right now but I did see it in Hufshmid's early book with photos...somebody will probably have it.

Here is my "non-aviation biased" analysis of the FAB FIVE FRAMES...

1. The image does not show a very large or tall-ish vehicle...[air or ground], its hard to conclude that it was a B757 in any case...

2. Aircraft have great difficulties in flying that close to the ground...its the ground effect or pressurized cushion forming below the wings etc...

3. Wheeled ground vehicles do not have trouble traversing the ground...

4. The white exhaust-smoke-whatever? is NOT typical of a turbojet engine but is typical of a rocket-like fuel burn...although some have noted that it could be unburned jet fuel from a disabled jet engine.

5. There indeed does need to be a reason for that browned out streak of grass that seems so coincidental with what would be the track along the ground of the air-ground vehicle. I have heard that this streak was a construction pathway "burnout-wearout path...don't know.

6. The G forces required for an airvhicle that was BOTH at the height of the last light pole struck AND then just a few feet later at the height of a foot or two above the ground have been shown to be WAY above structural capabilities for a B757...its in the order of 10Gs or so. Additionally, its hard to believe that airfoils could create such forces that quickly...aka...from the light poles down to the lawn and then levelling out across the lawn...

7. I believe that the original video tape was stamped with 9/12 or, this may be a doctored video...don't know.

If asked whether or not the FAB FIVE FRAMES showed and airvehicle or a ground based vehicle, I would have to conclude that it was a ground based vehicle based upon the above...and its hard to dissociate the browned grass from all of the factors surrounding the Penatgon attack.

I'm NOT stating that this is the case...and am not deliberately distracting this conversation. I really just want to keep the "lawn" in play here...after all, please remember that there were "agents' walking the lawn picking up every piece of material not associated with a lawn almost immediately after the crash. Usually, an NTSB accident report, like that of what should have happened to the WTC steel, calls for accident or crime scenes to be left completely alone so that an accurate analysis can be accomplished. Such an analysis calls for studying "what debris was where" at the crash scene...aka...on the lawn in this case. Therefore, this "pick-up" activity is normally COMPLETELY and ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED. Things were totally backwards on 9/11...and this surely establishes that there was a cover-up. The HI PERPS did not want ANY debris evaluated by the normal investigation teams...its the civilians again...

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 1:54pm.

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Flight 77...No-Go!


that track along the ground was there before 9/11:

The tail fin is black in the first Fab Five, yet the parts of the nosecone and upper front fuselage that are also seen are white.

Leveling off when the aircraft was clear of the hill is a no-go, as you intimate.

Ground effect would not only have kept the aircraft way off the ground, but at 530 mph the aircraft would have automatically lifted thanks to that massive air pressure under the wings (and fuselage...the fuselage also contributes to ground effect).

You're right about the white stream. A Cruise missile will emit a white plum for about twenty seconds or so after it's initial launch.

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC
Submitted by brian78046 on Mon, 07/12/2010 - 7:59am.

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I believe that the date stamp shows...

...that the video was not on 9/11. But I'm not sure.

Anyway, its surely an odd coincidence...and photoshopping has long since very competent so who knows if any of that is real.

We do have to go pretty far to conclude that its an airvehicle?

I still think that an EXACTING analysis of the generator and lower wall damages will give up the air vehicle on 9/11.

Has anyone ever considered that the light poles should have been cropped off at the top and still standing with such an impact at such speeds by such a sharp-ish leading edge of the wing? Sorta like a weed-whacker effect. That airvehicle was really travelling fast. So, why the big gradual bends...after all, once the monocoque strength had ben lost when the tubes were crimped, what strength is all just thin aluminum tubing. Just another ODD thing in my view.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice.

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 5:53pm.



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you are definitely correct about one thing; if a military aircraft was in Pentagon airspace, it's IFF would automatically disable the Pentagon's missile defenses.

However, there was also a helicopter going directly around the Pentagon as Flight 77 supposedly flew into the building. No one on any side of this debate talks about the helicopter. I wonder why?

If the C-130 did escort the aircraft, why would it hang around and climb to an altitude that would put it on radar? A military helicopter is all that would be needed to deactivate the Pentagon's missiles. There's no reason to have a C-130 hide in Flight 77's radar blip.

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC
Submitted by brian78046 on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 1:42am.
Show "IFF explainer..." by Robin Hordon

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IFF explainer...

Having one military aircraft in the Penatgon's protected airspace would NOT shut down any air defense would only inform the air defense system that THAT airvehicle was a "friendly". If the air defense system were to shut down whenever it saw an IFF transponder in the proteced airspace, it would hardly ever be "on" because of all the military aviation activity surrounding the WDC arae. Additionally, military airvehicles have the capability to squawk BOTH the FAA rtransponder signals and the IFF transponder signals. The Military likes to "keep track of its own" most of the, most of the time, if not all of the time, military airvehicles have their IFF transponders on...or at least at the ready.

Additionally, The Plains radar site west of IAD is the primary long range radar site used by both the FAA and NORAD...meaning that it has IFF capability for sure, and since the antennae site sits atop a ridge approximately 1000 feet high, it can "see" aviation activity at very low altitudes in the WDC area...down to 400 feet or so. However, this is most likely not the only radar inputs for the air defense system protecting the Penatgon and WDC...IAD, DCA, ADW and most likely BWI terminal radars contribute to the cause...and most likely, theer might be a specific radar site dedicated to the air defense system itsel.

And we do know that the radar data coming to Cheney when in the PEOC comes from another source other than the FAA radars, so, whatever that facility, set of facilities, or group of radar sites that contributed to the Secret Service's responsibilities to protect WDC-The Penatgon, we know that somehow they are interconnected at some levels.

So, the plot thickens...and we are only about 10% of the way to knowing what happened at the Pentagon...if even that high.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 4:19pm.
Show ""Pentagon's protected airspace" " by nobodyparticular

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"Pentagon's protected airspace"

It's a common misconception that the Pentagon is in "protected airspace". It's not. It's right next to an airport. Protected airspace (P56) is across the river in DC above the White House:

Submitted by nobodyparticular on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 4:48pm.
Show "Pentagon Airspace" by brian78046

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Pentagon Airspace


actually the Pentagon has its own protected airspace. Pilots have to be careful as they approach National Airport, due to the Pentagon's missile defense. One reason for the missiles was the close proximity of National Airport. A Soviet operative or a person with a grudge could take-off from National and pivot for the Pentagon. The only protection for the Pentagon were the automatic missile batteries (six of them) that AUTOMATICALLY fired; no time for human action. A colleague at work talked to a National Airport employee who told him about the six missiles.

The interesting thing is is that Barbara Honegger independently confirms those missiles. She says five (on the roof), but the National Airport employee clarified that another battery was in the ground, making six. Researcher John Judge (whose parents were civilian personnel at the Pentagon) also confirms missiles at the Pentagon dating back to the late 1950s.

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC
Submitted by brian78046 on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 5:10am.

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How to "protect" the Proteceted airspaces...or

...the airspaces that are critical in the WDC area.

For some reason my earlier post was voted down. The post stated that there are other radar sources and radar facilities that contribute to the defense of these important geographical locations and to the protection of the POTUS.

One cannot wait until the very last moment to "defend" an airspace...especially IF any unknown inbound high speed targets show potential to penetrate the critical airspace. For the vast majority of all air traffic at lower altitudes in and around WDC, either an FAA or Military air traffic control facility KNOWS of these aircraft and have them under some level of "control". Or, they are flight following it if it has not reported in to any one of the air traffic facilities.

Consequently, there are formal interelationships and standard operating procedures between the local FAA and/or Military towers and radar facilities and the SS that all play a role in providing radar coverage, and some form of early warning as needed. The exact details are not known outside those facilities, but there is a need to prevent "last minute surprises" that show up right beside the critical airspaces.

So, bloggers, vote down what you want, but somebody, somewhere, at some time earlier than we have all been told, was aware of AA77?...or more accurately called...the "UNIDENTIFIED high speed primary target" headed towards WDC. We are all focused upon "50 miles out...". Well, the order that Cheney sustained had been put into place earlier that day, proven in his statement, and PLA radar site "sees" aircraft 250NM west if IAD...right out near where AA77, the REAL ONE, was lost to positive radar contact. So, the order was in place well before the "unidentified high speed primary target" was seen 50 miles out.

Therefore, the interelationship between the various radar facilites in the WDC area is a critical componenet of the aviation events surrounding the Pentagon on 9/11.

Did anyone "see" this high speed primary target at say, 55 miles out? How about 75 miles out? Maybe 150 miles out? Do you know how many miles out my fellow down-voters?

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 2:35pm.



That an airvehicle which proceded to the Penatgon on a course NORTH of what the OCT claims, is NOT proof positive that there was a fly over.

There needs to be more witnesses, or a more thorough analysis of existing witness testimony combined with more exacting "times of observation" by those witnesses...and of Roosevelt Roberts regarding what he saw and when he saw it.

I would like to remind everyone that the airvehicle in question "could have" made the 330 degree turn in about two minutes of total this is a small "time window" of observance.

This is all interesting and Cris I ask that you keep the methodologoical work up...and gain some additional patience.

My sense is that this story will not be able to be accurately told for years because there are too many conflicting scenarios...with strong eveidence for each...but something comprehensive will eventually emerge.

CIT has presented VERY, VERY important witnesses to a North Course in lieu of a central or south course which gives us at least three courses to contemplate. And each data source has its own problems with it...and its own strengths.

Each theory has its strengths and its weaknesses...and THIS is our challenge...and...this is just something that we do need to deal with as we try to figure stuff out.

And please do not forget Honegger's 09:30-09:32 first explosion time...this may give some important clues as does the damage pattern surrounding the generator..

Just and FYI...I seem to remember that one researcher made solid points that BOTH a north and a south course could be true...IE:

...that an initial North Course with the airvehicle in a slow flying right bank could have manuevered into a left bank so indicated by the damage to the Pentagon and the generator. Indeed, some witnesses have the airvehicle over the Naval Annex etc.

As a pilot I have always been interested in some of the eyewitnesses claiming that the speeds were slow. Speeds are relatively easy to establish by the eyewitnesses...especially since thse guys get a good sense of speeds by observing DCA's arriving and departing aircraft on a daily basis.

Slower speeds REALLY change the equation here.

And, if anyone does not remember, I believe that the FDR and animation are "plants" and not either original to AA77, or they have been "hacked" to confuse the Truthers considerations of the HI PERP's OCT storylines.

Its often stated that the best defense is a good offense...and this seems to be how the HI PERPS are operating regarding AA77 and the Pentagon.

Anyway, this "S-TURN" flight path would have to be a slower airspeed event...and again for a deliberate repetition, I feel that the FDR and animation are HI PERP'S red herrings or at least "hacked or replaced".

But again, one does not KNOW as of yet.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

I am not comfortable with ANY explanation about the light poles as of yet, but I do suspect some malfeasances because all of it could have been accompished during the night before without ANY motorists noticing etc. [the England issue excepted]. To me, the long curved bends just do not fit a high speed strike by a wing.

The light poles....UGH!

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 3:01am.



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Collapse area at end of burned grass approach track...

I'm not an engineer and admit that I favor pictures, so, I am biased here.

But from the little analysis of the kolumbus report that I have looked into so far, one of the first things that I notice is that it is interesting that there is some disagreement about the approach angle of collision...the OCT being 42 degrees and this report noting 31 degrees...or closer to the North Approach Track.

The second, and far more interesting thing that I notice is that the area of column collapse shown inside the Penatgon seems to be at the end of an extended line from the burned/damaged grass strip on the Pentagon lawn...and NOT, for some reason, along the 42 degree angle line. This is very interesting...are we not seeing something that is right in front of our eyes?

Why the dislocated [the majority well to the right] column collapses from the 42 degree entry angle? Could the grass streak be from a ground vehicle loaded with "stuff" from a B757 and some explosives...powered by a rocket? But this would mean that I am "buying" that the FAB FIVE FRAMES are truthful...and I doubt that they are. But, the grass strip is there...and so are the column collaspes along an extended line...?

And does anybody know what those two white dots towards each end of the burned/damaged grass strip?

Its also interesting to look from a greater distance at the angle or "routing" of the airvehicle contained in the OCT that is created between the line formed by the light poles and the rather symmetrical "C" ring hole. The particular damage to the light poles remains counterintuitive to me still....similarly, so does the hole in the "C" ring.

Can we perform a test for shearing the tops of the light poles that are struck at high speeds with an edge that replicates that of a high speed air vehicle? This might be instructive. Or, since so mauch can be accomplished with computer modeling now, and surely there has to be some engineering standards involved with the strength of design and manufacture of such light poles because they need to be strong enough for high winds...and oddly I think, for "breakaway" needs during auto accidents, can such an analysis be conducted via computer simulations?

The light poles...HMMM?

Logic instructs me that because there was "some light pole mass" above the impact point, that this "mass: would remain in place and not be accelerated very much with a 400-500MPH impact of a narrow-ish leading edge of a high speed wing. The "mass" below the impact point, as well as the bolted attachments to the foundations, surely will resist any accelerations caused by the high speed collision below the impact point, so that's not counterintuitive. I liken this action to that of a weed whacker in that the first cut is made to the weed and bothe the top and bottom of the weed remains mostly unmoved. [Lighten up, I KNOW that a weed is not like a light pole...its just an example...]

And the long curved distortions of the poles...HMMM...wassup with that?

I'm not making any claims here at all, and I sure am finding this stuff very interesting and it helps me keep thinking outside of the "tidy boxes" that some researchers have encouraged us to climb into. And I do notice that this report was made in 2003 and updated in 2007...and that it hasn't been seen in much discussion within the 9/11TM since then...why?

Seems its been Hoffman and Legge ever since...with the later arrival of CIT. Lets back-up and re-evaluate...

There are probably many other interesting reports that might be re-analyzed or at least reconsidered.

My guess is that IF we can back off, consider Honegger's work, consider CIT's eyewitnesses, and dig into some of all these "buried?" reports, as well as use the volumes of good stuff provided by our solid researchers, maybe we will see something that everyone has missed, or misinterpreted.

And of exacting examination of the damage tof the low cement wall to the left of the the left top of the generatorthe...and to the top center-right of the generator...will pay dividends soon.

Of course, it would be helpful if all the snickering and all the knee-jerk defense of pet theories would diminish...if not go away totally. That would be nice wouldn't it?

If we are 10% of the way to understanding what went on at the Pentagon, it would be alot...and then if one looks at the GOVERNMENTAL sources of some of the information that some "pet theories" are based upon or have been influenced by, and questions such subjective information, then we are back to about 2% of our way into "getting" the AA77-Pentagon-Cheney-PEOC-SS-NORAD-FAA scenario.

Its gonna be a long time here...surely beyond 9/11/2011...but we have that 10 year anniversary covered with emphasis being on WTC7 and the Controlled Demolitions. So, we have time to crunch some numbers and rethink some things...

9/11 truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA
Submitted by Robin Hordon on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 11:04am.

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Keenan's picture

Perhaps Robin's most salient point is this

YET...another weak point of all this research is that most Truthers are actually BELIEVING the Building Performance Report issued by...ta-da...The Pentagon. Hold on folks, if YOU wanted to hide the truth, would YOU write a report that helps truth seekers discover your malfeasances?

So, maybe the REAL impact path was along the north path and the airvehicle flying overhead the CIT witnesses DID hit the Pentagon making a damage path that would later be hidden by a falsified Building performance Report...which in and of itself is an interesting, and certainl very handy document that was made available by the feds...much different than the videos which have been witheld. HMMM? ever wonder WHY we got the Building Performance Report?

Is there anybody out there that automatically DOUBTS the veracity of ALL information provided by ANY department or organization within the US government...or am I alone in this skepticism? This skepticism is in place for all of my analysis...and I try to so state when I make my points.

Thanks, Robin. It's about time someone over at apt 911b made that point!

gretavo's picture

one of David Griffin's best talents... his ability to deal with the fact that official reports tend to contain some truth and some (sometimes lots of) lies. official reports after all established that there were lots of things in the WTC air that shouldn't have been there. the point is that we have to be skeptical about everything but not throw the baby out with the bathwater. an "independent", non-government report is no more inherently trustworthy, as we can see by the work of the SITE "intelligence group" that tracks jihadis...

Keenan's picture

Another excellent point by Robin hits the nail on the head

I'm not making any claims here at all, and I sure am finding this stuff very interesting and it helps me keep thinking outside of the "tidy boxes" that some researchers have encouraged us to climb into. And I do notice that this report was made in 2003 and updated in 2007...and that it hasn't been seen in much discussion within the 9/11TM since then...why?

Seems its been Hoffman and Legge ever since...with the later arrival of CIT. Lets back-up and re-evaluate...

There are probably many other interesting reports that might be re-analyzed or at least reconsidered.

My guess is that IF we can back off, consider Honegger's work, consider CIT's eyewitnesses, and dig into some of all these "buried?" reports, as well as use the volumes of good stuff provided by our solid researchers, maybe we will see something that everyone has missed, or misinterpreted.

And of exacting examination of the damage tof the low cement wall to the left of the the left top of the generatorthe...and to the top center-right of the generator...will pay dividends soon.

Of course, it would be helpful if all the snickering and all the knee-jerk defense of pet theories would diminish...if not go away totally. That would be nice wouldn't it?

If we are 10% of the way to understanding what went on at the Pentagon, it would be alot...and then if one looks at the GOVERNMENTAL sources of some of the information that some "pet theories" are based upon or have been influenced by, and questions such subjective information, then we are back to about 2% of our way into "getting" the AA77-Pentagon-Cheney-PEOC-SS-NORAD-FAA scenario.

Its gonna be a long time here...surely beyond 9/11/2011...but we have that 10 year anniversary covered with emphasis being on WTC7 and the Controlled Demolitions. So, we have time to crunch some numbers and rethink some things...

What is so helpful and refreshing about Robin Hordon's approach is that he provides the kind of methods that can minimize the ill effects that cognitive infiltration is designed to elicit. The debate over the Pentagon has largely solidified into the very scenario Gretavo warned about in his Cognitive Infiltration thread, in which a static, fruitless debate has developed between the Jim Hoffman/Frank Legge camp on the one hand, and the CIT/P4t camp on the other which just seems to go round and round with nothing new to tip the scales in a very long time at this point (at least as it is being perceived by many of the movement's intellectuals such as Ken Jenkins, Richard Gage, Peter Dale Scott, etc.).

While I personally am still convinced that the Jim Hoffman camp is more obviously engaged in purposeful deception to help cover-up the full truth about 9/11, while the CIT researchers generally have good, honest intentions, it seems that CIT's approach is not without problems - particularly the way they hastily adopted the pet theory of the flyover at the exclusion of all other possibilities, and the unreasonable and ridiculous position they are taking in which they insist that the flyover theory is as solid and provable, er even more so, than the WTC CD theory, along with the off-putting way that they try to shove this down everyone's throats.

By not getting caught up in any of these pet theories, and by seeming to be consistently open to objectively analyzing all relevant data and sources of information while helpfully bringing new angles and research to the table while leaving no stone unturned, Robin's approach has the best chance at this point to make the most progress in uncovering the truth about the pentagon attack. Go Robin!

Adam Syed's picture

Sorry Keenan, but you're off the mark here

Hordon has demonstrated a clear lack of understanding regarding CIT's claims, which you apparently and surprisingly share, by agreeing with him and calling this his "most salient point".

CIT does not automatically put any faith or stock in the ASCE report, or any government data, or reports at all. In fact, I've seen them very vocally stand against accepting any and all govt data or reports as factual unless they can be independently verified. That's exactly why they seek out witnesses so aggressively. It's the only source of independent verifiable evidence, particularly when they find previously unknown witnesses who were never part of the media propaganda to sell the official story. They have always stated how this is the purest source of independent verifiable evidence, and made it their mission to base their conclusions on this type of evidence only.

What's quite clear is that CIT's entire approach is to compare the independent verifiable evidence (eyewitnesses) with the official reports and data to see if they match up. They don't, which is the entire point.

Naturally, CIT references the NTSB, 84RADES, ASCE, and the 9/11 Commission to establish the "official flight path"! Who else would they reference for that? Obviously, they don't accept it outright because they provide eyewitness evidence proving it false. How could that be lost on you and Robin Hordon? The official reports and data hold the govt to their word. The ASCE report proves that the govt says this is where the plane HAS to have approached and hit the building according to them. It holds them to their word, so of course CIT references it.

But what's also clear is that it is 100% unnecessary to rely on a single official report (ASCE included) to demonstrate that the physical damage is directional requiring a south side approach. Photographs and video from multiple sources 100% prove this, starting with the light poles, and ending with the C-ring hole. We know for a fact where the C-ring hole is located, delineating a specific south side approach trajectory from the initial outer facade E-ring damage.

Now of course, you can pull a Chris Sarns and make the borderline insane suggestion that the relatively slow moving, right banking NoC plane reported by so many witnesses still hit the building (yet completely disintegrated) but happened to miss all light poles on the north side, and that the downed south side light poles, generator trailer, retaining wall, C-ring hole, security camera, and all data was completely fabricated EVEN THOUGH the plane hit (makes no sense) but it's not a logical or reasonable suggestion in the least. Particularly since we know people saw the plane flying away. Obviously, if the plane flew away they have PLENTY of motive for all that fabrication. But not if the plane hit.

A north side impact is impossible, and frankly, it's quite silly to suggest otherwise. There is a reason that Chris Sarns is unwilling to back up this disintegrating Boeing "idea" by writing up a formal hypothesis and I am willing to bet that Hordon never will either. That's because it would require exotic weaponry to disappear the plane without leaving a crater in the ground or the Pentagon's foundation. It's a wild, unsupported, and flat out ludicrous notion that is contradicted by the physical evidence, as well as eyewitnesses to the plane flying away.

Given that I've liked some things you've written in the past, (Deconstructing Arabesque) I'm quite astonished that you called this strange straw man argument against CIT regarding the ASCE report, coupled with this exotic disappearing Boeing NoC impact theory, Hordon's "most salient" point.

I see nothing in any of his posts you copied above besides empty posturing, doubt casting, and speculation. Indeed, I challenge you to articulate what this alleged "Pentagon dust" is supposed to be. It looks like pure speculation to me based on the flat out assumption that some sort of "air vehicle" had to have hit the building on the south path causing the damage to the generator trailer and the retaining wall. He has not presented a coherent analysis here at all. While CIT has provided a massive body of independent verifiable evidence, Hordon has presented zero evidence as far as I can tell. Please point out what evidence he presents if you don't agree.

Finally, it should be noted that CIT did not "adopt a pet theory." They went looking for all the eyewitnesses they could get their hands on, and after having interviewed numerous eyewitnesses who independently corroborated the same flight path over and over, one which contradicts the required flight path, they used deductive reasoning to come to what is the only logical conclusion.

Keenan's picture

Let me clarify...

I wasn't necessarily agreeing with all of Robin's specific criticisms against CIT, and to CIT's credit they have shown the least willingness to take any government supplied data or reports at face value. Also, I don't think Robin was only referring to CIT when he made this point. There are many other researchers who don't automatically doubt the veracity of all information provided by the US government when they should. I think this applies especially for the Jim Hoffman camp, but even P4T has shown too much willingness to accept government supplied data. So, put in the proper perspective, I'm still of the opinion that this is a very salient point that Hordon made for the truth movement in general.

"We know for a fact where the C-ring hole is located, delineating a specific south side approach trajectory from the initial outer facade E-ring damage."

I don't think the C-ring hole can be used to prove anything. Especially not as evidence that any sort of air-borne vehicle punctured the wall, because the hole is too perfectly round and looks to be merely a "punch out" hole, and the pictures do not show any object outside the C ring wall that could have made that hole.

"Now of course, you can pull a Chris Sarns and make the borderline insane suggestion that the relatively slow moving, right banking NoC plane reported by so many witnesses still hit the building (yet completely disintegrated) but happened to miss all light poles on the north side, and that the downed south side light poles, generator trailer, retaining wall, C-ring hole, security camera, and all data was completely fabricated EVEN THOUGH the plane hit (makes no sense) but it's not a logical or reasonable suggestion in the least."

A few things. Some of those things you listed, such as whether the plane was right banking (even if it was right banking at some point, how do you know it didn't shift to a left bank, etc., after that), missing of the generator trailer (there appears to be damage to the generator trailer), the purpose of the variously fabricated data and ground props, etc., are not established with any degree of certainty as you seem to suggest. In fact, even the "plane bomb" theory or some variation, while I agree it may seem unlikely, cannot be ruled out with 100% certainty. There are just too many complex issues and unexplained mysteries and conflicting pieces of data yet to be resolved to declare "case closed" at this point.

"Particularly since we know people saw the plane flying away."

Well, this again has not yet been established with any degree of certainty. Sorry, but more corroborating witnesses or other corroborating evidence would need to be found to make this so. Rosavelt Roberts' testimony is certainly interesting, but even he seemed a bit confused as to the direction the plane was flying, and he didn't actually witness the plane flying first from the Citco side before he allegedly saw it on the other side of the Pentagon, and he could be wrong as to the timing, etc. I'm not rejecting Roberts' testimony, I'm saying that it is nowhere near good enough to declare case closed that this alone proves a flyover.

Let me step back for a minute and say that I believe that the flyover theory is one of the more probable, if not the most probable of all the theories as to what actually happened, based on the far from adequate information and number of independently verified and corroborated witnesses we have so far. And so does Hordon. In fact, even Hordon maintains that the flyover theory is certainly possible and reasonable. Not only that, but Hordon continues to research that line of inquiry, and even might be able to add useful data that could help support it:

BTW...I have evidence supporting the possibility that the HI PERPS scrubbed some radar data along the flight path of an airvehicle that overflew the Penatgon along that flight path...and have so stated...and also...

...I have supported the view that if there were an overflight of the Penatgon, the airvehicle would not be as easily noticed as most people think. This is because National Airport was departing to the north that day and the departures and arrivalls in and out of National are quite routine, and thusly go unnoticed to most travellers on the highways.

Wow. Did you see that? Not only is Hordon not dismissing the flyover theory, he might even be able to provide additional evidence or information that could actually support it. The point is that Hordon has not adopted any pet theories and continues to pursue multiple lines of inquiry at the same time, including the flyover theory, given that we still only know perhaps "10%" of the whole story of the Pentagon attack at this point. Another possibility he brought up which I think needs to be seriously considered, is that the plane that approached the Pentagon could likely have been a military aircraft that was painted to look like AA77. With a military aircraft involved, that brings in even more possibilities that need to be considered. Some of these possibilities may include:
1) that the aircraft might have shot a missile before either impacting or flying over the building
2) that the aircraft might have been small enough to maneuver around or miss light poles that might have been in the vacinity of the North path (has anybody mapped out the poles on that side to see exactly what the possibilities are?)
3) a missile fired from the attacking aircraft and/or pre-planted explosives in the building, may have opened up a hole big enough for the potentially smaller sized military aircraft to fit through.
4) a military aircraft could have characteristics that give it a much bigger range of speed/maneuverability compared to that of a Boeing 757, which, therefore would provide the need for recalculating what would be possible for the plane to have been capable of.

These are just some possibilities off the top of my head, and there are probably more. The point is that we are nowhere near the point where we should consider the case closed and that if we therefore don't immediately follow lock-step behind CIT's flyover theory we must be "borderline insane". I think we all need to step back and make sure we are not being too emotionally territorial in defending certain pet theories, particularly since very little has been proven at all at this point and so much remains as far as conflicting pieces of evidence that can point to so many possible scenarios. This appears to have been by design, considering the way in which the perps have put out so much conflicting information and data. So, let's be wary of falling into their traps and remain cautious and open minded as much as possible.

"Given that I've liked some things you've written in the past, (Deconstructing Arabesque) I'm quite astonished that you called this strange straw man argument against CIT regarding the ASCE report, coupled with this exotic disappearing Boeing NoC impact theory, Hordon's "most salient" point."

If that is how you interpreted my comment above, then you have seriously misunderstood my points, as I've hopefully made clear at this point so far.

"I see nothing in any of his posts you copied above besides empty posturing, doubt casting, and speculation. Indeed, I challenge you to articulate what this alleged "Pentagon dust" is supposed to be. It looks like pure speculation to me based on the flat out assumption that some sort of "air vehicle" had to have hit the building on the south path causing the damage to the generator trailer and the retaining wall."

Now that I have considered his so-called "Pentagon dust", which apparently is the assertion that the damage pattern on the generator trailer and low concrete wall could help establish the profile of the specific type of plane that might have flown into the building, I agree that he seems to have overstated his case. Calling it the "Pentagon dust" is definitely a stretch. And yes, much work needs to be done to analyze and come up with a coherent hypothesis regarding this scenario.

But I think it is really unfair for you to dismiss all of Hordon's analysis and information and contributions. His knowledge and expertise of many areas that relate to this complex investigation, including his experience as an air traffic controller and a commercial pilot, has provided us with much useful technical information and analysis, while pointed us towards many useful lines of inquiry to pursue. He has also provided much needed balance and levelheadedness to a debate the seems to be getting only more shrill with most of the usual personalities involved. As a knowledgeable pilot and air traffic controller, Hordon's criticisms of P4T, and why he left the group, need to be seriously considered, and it can only be a good thing for the movement to have someone else experienced and knowledgeable enough to be able to check and verify the claims of P4T because there have already been at least a few reasons that have come up to give us reason to be cautious of P4T and some of their claims.

No one person or organization researching the Pentagon attack should be assumed to be above scrutiny or criticism at this point, especially since no one has proven what actually happened there yet, and so much information and data we do have is so contradictory and points to so many possible scenarios at this point. Perhaps by looking at the information from all sources, and considering the possibility that the truth lay somewhere in between the various "camps" or sources of information and might include pieces from various conflicting groups or researchers, we might have a better chance of getting to the truth. Which is kind of the point that Hordon made when he said:

My guess is that IF we can back off, consider Honegger's work, consider CIT's eyewitnesses, and dig into some of all these "buried?" reports, as well as use the volumes of good stuff provided by our solid researchers, maybe we will see something that everyone has missed, or misinterpreted.

Again, in my opinion this story is far from over and the case of uncovering the full truth of the Pentagon attack far from being declared closed, and by pursuing multiple lines of inquiry at the same time at this point, rather than sticking to a single pet theory, would seem to be the best course of action for the truth movement for now.

Allende Admirer's picture

Agree with both of these:

"What's quite clear is that CIT's entire approach is to compare the independent verifiable evidence (eyewitnesses) with the official reports and data to see if they match up. They don't, which is the entire point."

"while the CIT researchers generally have good, honest intentions, it seems that CIT's approach is not without problems - particularly the way they hastily adopted the pet theory of the flyover at the exclusion of all other possibilities, and the unreasonable and ridiculous position they are taking in which they insist that the flyover theory is as solid and provable, er even more so, than the WTC CD theory, along with the off-putting way that they try to shove this down everyone's throats."

When was the last time anyone talked about pyroclastic flows? QED.

Adam Ruff's picture

If the CIT witnesses are telling the truth...

If the CIT witnesses are telling the truth, and I believe they are, then flyover has been firmly established as the only possibility because of the physical impossibility to miss the North of Citgo (NOC) obstructions and still hit the ground floor of the Pentagon. Such a manuver simply could not be done, it is impossible for the plane to miss the tops of the obstructions and drop down to the first floor of the Pentagon in that short a distance.

The plane these witnesses saw MUST have therefore flown over the Pentagon because the flight path these witnesses establish cannot be reconciled with the physical damage and flight path established by the (staged) evidence. Also a NOC flight path cannot be reconciled with the north side light poles and other obstructions that are still standing. CIT has made a compelling case and it is not accurate to characterize it as a hastily adopted "theory".

Assuming the CIT witnesses are telling the truth, flyover is a fact period. Now flyover does NOT mean something else could not have hit the Pentagon such as a missile or another plane. Flyover also doesn't prove one way or another what caused the facade damage. CITs witnesses do PROVE the official account to be a lie however and that makes their evidence just as compelling as the evidence for CD of the towers in NYC. 13 independent and highly credible witnesses all cooroborating each other is pretty damn conclusive in my book.

It really comes down to a very simple equation once you strip away all the BS and intentional obfuscation. If the CIT witnesses are telling the truth flyover of the plane they saw is a fact.

Keenan's picture

If the attack plane was a smaller military plane...

would it still be impossible for an NOC approach to have hit the building without hitting light poles? I assume that the calculations were made solely assuming the characteristics and capabilities of a Boeing 757?

Can you point me to a link where the light poles in the vicinity of the NOC approach were mapped out, as well as "other obstructions that are still standing" that could possibly interfere with such a maneuver?

nipster's picture

There is no evidence for a "smaller military plane"

Sorry, but the witnesses don't report a small plane.

There comes a point when you have to accept the convergence of witness testimony that we are discussing here. You can't say that you accept the north side approach, but then go and claim that the plane might have been something completely different from what all the north side witnesses reported! That is just not logical. They all reported a large passenger jet every bit as much as they all reported it on the north side of the gas station, while several reported it banking and/or traveling relatively slowly. Furthermore, this is the same type of craft that Roosevelt Roberts reported flying away.

This image indicates the location of the poles that weren't downed:

user posted image

Keenan's picture

Sorry, but the witnesses could not tell the exact kind of plane

I did not say "small plane". I said a smaller military aircraft painted to look like AA77. There is a huge range of possible types of aircraft that would fit that description. There is no reason to stick to a Boeing 757 as the attack plane when the witnesses certainly could not be sure of what exact plane it was, nor did they report it being a "757".

nipster's picture

But no one reported a smaller military aircraft

Whether or not it was "painted to look like AA77" is also in question (although this could be the case), but I don't believe I said it had to be a 757, or that the witnesses would be able to tell exactly what type of plane it was. But they DO describe it as a large jet that looked to be a commercial airliner, and this is corroborated by all of them. I'm trying to figure out what you mean here: is your argument that the difference in exactly how large it was compared to a 757 could possibly allow it to approach north of the CITGO in a relatively slow moving significant right bank - as described by the witnesses - while missing all light poles, the generator trailer, the C-ring hole, and almost completely disintegrating without causing a crater in the ground or in the Pentagon foundation? If you think that is a viable consideration, then I am going to have to disagree, sorry.

Keenan's picture

Are you just pretending to be stupid?

Claiming that "no one reported a smaller military aircraft" is a red herring, since you go on to admit that

"Whether or not it was "painted to look like AA77" is also in question (although this could be the case), but I don't believe I said it had to be a 757, or that the witnesses would be able to tell exactly what type of plane it was."

nipster's picture

Nope, there is simply no evidence of a small plane, that's all

It's not a red herring at all if the question is "was there a large plane in the vicinity of the Pentagon at the time of the attack?"

I think the eyewitnesses definitively prove the answer is yes.

While I don't think they can be relied on to tell if it was a 757 or exactly what kind of large plane it was, I think they can accurately tell if it was in fact a large plane, and whether or not it looked like a commercial jet in general, with engines underneath the wings, as described by virtually all of them.

nipster's picture

So, you apparently agree that Hordon provides no evidence, then?

Hi Keenan,

I've been following this discussion and couldn't help but chime in here. I've been reading Robin's postings as well, but just don't understand how you could possibly think that his "approach has the best chance at this point to make the most progress in uncovering the truth about the pentagon attack"?

The fact that he provides no actual evidence to back up what he says is reason enough for me, at least, to "dismiss all of Hordon's analysis and information and contributions". Particularly since his "contributions" amount to nothing but various postings on blogger, and his incoherent affidavit for the failed April Gallop lawsuit. Until Hordon provides evidence, I have no reason to accept his posts at face value, particularly since he is publicly making false accusations about CIT's position on the ASCE report. To me, that demonstrates a tendency to come to wrong conclusions and make baseless claims when talking off the cuff - particularly when it's criticizing others.

I'll be happy to look at any evidence he provides, but he's been talking big for a while now, and has provided absolutely nothing as far as I can tell. Actual researchers don't need to use hype, they will typically research quietly UNTIL they have evidence to provide. Hordon has done the opposite, so I just don't understand why you hold him in such high regard, Keenan.

Oh, and by the way, it was 100% clear that he was specifically talking about CIT when referencing the ASCE report as he says:

"The biggest problem in establishing a "flyover" is that...

...CIT depends upon the Building Performance Report to accomplish this."

He's wrong. They do not and have not. This is not a "salient" point, it is an entirely false characterization that is opposite to reality, and a good reason to think that his criticisms are off the mark.

Also, YOUR claim that "P4T has shown too much willingness to accept government supplied data" is also false. As far as I can see, P4T have made it their mission to analyze government data and expose anomalies - this is primarily what they do. So, of course they reference the official data, but from a position of skepticism. Why would you claim the opposite, especially without citing an example? I see this as a complete false characterization from what I have seen, at least, from P4T.

I also notice that, after enthusiastically touting Hordon's alleged "Pentagon dust" you have now already admitted that he overstated his case. Well, just as he is unable to present a coherent analysis or a SHRED of evidence to back up his lengthy and numerous posts, including what you agree to be lofty claims, he is unable to make a coherent case against P4T. He just rails off unsupported fallacies and wordy straw man arguments, just like he did against CIT regarding their position on the ASCE report.

You haven't cited a single piece of evidence or supported claim that he has made, and are merely deferring to his alleged expertise as a former air traffic controller and assuming that because he criticizes P4T and CIT that he must have a point. There is a reason why you are unable to articulate it or support these accusations with any examples with quotes from P4T or CIT presentations. Because Hordon doesn't.

Regarding the C-ring hole, you are are ADMITTING that you think it's staged damage. a point I would agree with, since the collected evidence proves a flyover. But let me ask you this: what is the point of staging damage at all if the plane hit the building? The point is that the C-ring hole IS the very end of the damage pattern which definitively establishes the ending point of the trajectory. This can not be denied, and we don't have to rely on an government report to determine exactly where this is located. This can not have been caused by a plane on the north side.

Regarding the right bank: you ignored the "relatively slow" part. The official flight path can not have a relatively slow plane in a significant right bank as described and completely disintegrate. This is irreconcilable with all the physical damage. The witnesses don't describe a wild flight path - like the absurd path postulated in a silly video by someone named "broken sticks" - with an acrobatic right to left roll which is also irreconcilable with the physical damage. You can't just make stuff up that is unsupported by the witnesses and all evidence.

Keenan, if you don't believe the plane hit you have no logical choice BUT to accept a flyover. You'd be foolish to deny that there was a large plane involved at all at this point with all the witnesses. So, yes, that means flyover. And that IS all that matters because it proves 9/11 was an inside job. The fact that the plane obviously flew north of the CITGO gas station is now established at such a ridiculously high level and proves a deception, regardless of exactly what else happened. Will we ever know everything including exactly what type of explosives were used to damage the building, etc.? Of course not! Nor do we need to know - just like we will never know exactly how the towers came down. Even the nanothermite evidence is unnecessary. We don't need it to know there was a controlled demolition. Controlled demolition is a logical inference given the fact that a natural collapse is impossible and it proves 9/11 was an inside job so none of the other details matter.

It's the exact same thing with the flyover: it is the only logical inference, given the fact that a north side impact is impossible, and that planes don't just disappear, so the other details don't matter. There's also the fact that people saw it flying away - no matter how much you choose to minimize Roosevelt Roberts and the people reported by Erik Dihle.

Speculation about missiles being shot from the plane etc is entirely unnecessary. If you have EVIDENCE for these things by all means present it. But you don't, it seems, and you were just forced to admit that neither does Hordon, either. He doesn't have any "Pentagon dust". If anything, that's the eyewitness evidence placing the plane north of the CITGO gas station (the NoC approach).

The case of the Pentagon attack is just as "closed' as the WTC attack. I'll repeat it again, just to make sure everyone understands: the point is, we do not NEED to know exactly how the damage was caused to the WTC in order to recognize that it was a controlled demolition.

It's the same with the flyover at the Pentagon. We do not NEED to know exactly how the damage was caused to the Pentagon in order to agree that what happened was a flyover.

The NoC approach the witnesses saw proves a flyover. If you have a better explanation, I'd like to hear it, complete with evidence. But if the only way you can deny it is to suggest it's all a disinfo ruse - as Gretavo does - this amounts to nothing but casting unfortunate and unsupported doubt on legitimate and solid evidence that fatally contradicts the official story. It's a real shame to me that you guys have chosen to have such a stance on this information, and it makes me wonder just how useful this site really is.

gretavo's picture

we do not need to agree that it was a flyover either

Nipster says: "the point is, we do not NEED to know exactly how the damage was caused to the WTC in order to recognize that it was a controlled demolition.

It's the same with the flyover at the Pentagon. We do not NEED to know exactly how the damage was caused to the Pentagon in order to agree that what happened was a flyover."

No, it is the same in that we don't need to know why some people *think* AA77, or some large Boeing, hit the Pentagon when it clearly didn't. Frankly the amount of time and energy that is wasted on debating CIT is the real shame here.

nipster's picture

The time & energy wasted on debating a flyover is the real shame

Whatever analogy you care to make, if you think the plane did not hit, you are left with no other logical alternative than a flyover.

The only other option, I guess, is to suggest exotic weaponry, or that there was no plane - both ideas requiring a wild and completely unnecessary disinfo conspiracy theory, involving countless witnesses including previously unknown ones that they randomly found on the street. And this conspiracy would have to involve CIT as well of course.

The Pentagon attack had been successfully marginalized and mired in confusion when CIT showed up on the scene in 2006. They did not not need to introduce such an elaborate north of the Citgo hoax.

Kevin Barrett put this rather succinctly regarding the "honeypot" theory in general:

The idea that the government will someday release a high quality video clearly showing a large plane crashing into the Pentagon, thus neutralizing the movement, no longer holds water. The reason for this is because the Controlled Demolition aspect of the movement is indeed at full juggernaut strength now, and no one can stop it. Even if the government did release such a video, it doesn't invalidate the idea that 9/11 was an inside job, as even Jim Hoffman argues that it was likely the original Flight 77 but taken over by remote control. And a lay person who is convinced about the WTC demolition is not going to see the Pentagon plane crash video and think, "Oh gee, the whole movement must be wrong about the WTC also."

The powers-that-be missed their golden opportunity to release such a video in 2006, with the explosion of the movement around the 5th anniversary and the viral success of Loose Change. The fact that they didn't do it then indicates to me it's not going to happen. And even before that, they had the perfect opportunity to release such a video in 2002 -- especially when Meyssan's book was setting bestseller records in France and raising hell on al-Jazeera. The fact that to this day they have not released such a video settles the case: No passenger plane hit the Pentagon.

The same logic applies to the notion that the north side witnesses were all "paid".

Anybody can watch the witness interviews and judge for themselves. I seriously can't imagine how you are able to watch regular working class people like Darius Prather, Donald Carter, Ed Paik, Robert Turcios, etc. etc., all recounting their accounts in such a relaxed and lucid manner, yet independently corroborating each other at such a high level, and then seriously go on to suggest that these guys who prove the official story FALSE are actually "paid" to be "in on it", based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever, and that you would consider that somehow productive.

The fact that you think it's a "waste of time and energy" to discuss evidence this strong and important is even more perplexing, as that seems to be the same reaction to this info that I have seen from the folks over at truthaction.

The way I see it, the now voluminous evidence that the plane flew on the north side of the CITGO gas station - and the inevitable implication of that evidence - has a life of its own, and will not be going away as long as there are questions about 9/11.

gretavo's picture

even if true it proves nothing that isn't already obvious

and that's the bottom line as I see it. so just out of curiosity, Nipster, and any other CIT supporters...

do we have any way of knowing if, and do you believe that, the plane that must have flown over the Pentagon was AA77, or not AA77?

gretavo's picture

oh I see...

"The fact that you think it's a "waste of time and energy" to discuss evidence this strong and important is even more perplexing, as that seems to be the same reaction to this info that I have seen from the folks over at truthaction."

I should really be more careful in ensuring that I not agree with anything that anyone at truthaction believes--thanks for the tip!

So, tell us Nipster--let's say everyone here decided they agreed with you that yes, absolutely, the plane that the CIT witnesses saw that morning didn't hit the Pentagon, but flew over it. What now? How is that going to be any more convincing to people who can't tell from simply looking at the "crash site" that no big Boeing crashed into the Pentagon?

Aren't they simply going to say "well look, you may be right that some people saw a plane that flew over the Pentagon, but since we know that AA77 hit the Pentagon, those other people clearly saw a different plane."

So please, just pretend everyone agrees and go from there, so we can see why it's so important that everyone agree with the flyover inference.

nipster's picture

It's important 'cuz we need to stop kidding around & face facts!

If you think that truthaction's dismissal of evidence that proves 9/11 was an inside job is a proper way to react, then go knock yourself out. I think it's exactly what's wrong with that site, and I'm sorry to see you follow suit.

Adam S. suggested I join this site, because it was all about cutting through all the LIHOP crap we keep seeing on truthaction and blogger, and actually confront the MIHOP evidence plainly in front of us, but I now have to wonder whether folks here are truly interested in that or not.

Obviously, many people might indeed think they can tell that no big Boeing crashed into the Pentagon simply looking at the "crash site," but you know perfectly well that a portion of the truth movement has nonetheless persisted in believing a 757 (and in some cases, Flight 77) somehow crashed into the building anyway, based on either their belief in government-supplied data or eyewitness testimony published in the mainstream media.

If you've actually watched National Security Alert, you know that the already well-established questions about the lack of damage and lack of large pieces of debris are outlined very succinctly in the "prima facie case for deception" chapter.

But it is CIT's independent evidence, re-interviewing eyewitnesses right on the scene, that has helped convinced anyone still skeptical - including me - that the government story of a 757 impact (along with the very necessary south-of-CITGO flight path this plane must by definition have flown) is completely unsupportable, in essence the 'smoking gun' evidence that dispels any remaining doubt over what happened, and yes, I think it is infinitely more convincing to have such a large body of eyewitnesses who SUPPORT the prima facie case that no plane hit.

Now, as far as how people will react to viewing the evidence in National Security Alert, I think they will be shocked, amazed, angry, and hopefully inspired to do something about it.

If you and everyone else at this site chooses to accept and support the rather undeniable implications of this evidence, I feel that would be a good thing - as opposed to continuously casting doubt on it with reckless and unsupported claims of "paid" witnesses or disintegrating north side impacts.

gretavo's picture

"it is CIT's independent

"it is CIT's independent evidence, re-interviewing eyewitnesses right on the scene, that has helped convinced anyone still skeptical - including me - that the government story of a 757 impact (along with the very necessary south-of-CITGO flight path this plane must by definition have flown) is completely unsupportable"

that has helped convince SOME people, including you, yes. other people like me who were convinced the OCT was a lie as soon as they saw the pristine lawn and building damage inconsistent with a 757 impact, whose suspicions were confirmed by the total failure of the government and media to prove their claim, find the incessant bickering over whether the deception involved a plane flying over the Pentagon, however true it may be, to be obnoxious and unproductive--counterproductive in fact. And for you to keep saying "this site" this and "this site" that as if to try to shame us or equate us with fake truth sites is a methinks short of a protest too much if you ask me.

gretavo's picture

also you didn't say if you think it was AA77...

...that flew over the Pentagon or not.

nipster's picture

I prefer discussing evidence than engaging in speculation

Why are you so interested in my speculation?

There is zero evidence that it was "Flight 77," and if asked to speculate, I would say that I personally don't think so, and neither does CIT, as stated in FAQ#1 on their website:

FAQ #1:

"Also, let us be perfectly clear: we have never claimed that the low-flying plane seen by all of the witnesses that we interviewed was actually Flight 77, nor do we believe that to be the case."

Gretavo, given you've just complained about the "incessant bickering" about all this as being "obnoxious and unproductive--counterproductive in fact", I have to wonder what the point of your own speculative question is here.

gretavo's picture

not speculation

I was asking if you personally believed that portion of the official conspiracy theory. I'm glad to hear you don't. It would have been speculation if I had asked you "Where do you think the flyover plane came from?" But yeah, your defensiveness is noted.

Keenan's picture

"The case of the Pentagon attack is just as "closed' as the WTC"

Nonsense. When you make ridiculous statements like that, you reveal your bias and territorial defensiveness. If you can't understand the difference between the video-taped proof of explosive demolition of the WTC, coupled with the physical evidence that supports it, to the case of the Pentagon attack in which all we have is a logical inference based on incomplete witness testimony (there is no way to be 100% sure at this point that additional eyewitnesses wouldn't contradict anything that the 14 CIT witnesses reported, for example), and incomplete evidence, with much that conflicts that seems designed to lead us in different directions, then I question your reasoning ability and bias.

Also, you seem to purposely distort my argument about how it is a salient point that the truth movement should not automatically accept the veracity of any government supplied data. I've already explained that whether or not Hordon was only referring to CIT is not the issue. Why do you persist in constructing a straw man over this and misrepresenting my argument?

Oh, and by the way, it was 100% clear that he was specifically talking about CIT when referencing the ASCE report as he says:

"The biggest problem in establishing a "flyover" is that...

...CIT depends upon the Building Performance Report to accomplish this."

He's wrong. They do not and have not. This is not a "salient" point, it is an entirely false characterization that is opposite to reality, and a good reason to think that his criticisms are off the mark.

EDIT: I just noticed that you copied and pasted the quote about "CIT depends upon the Building Performance Report..." from an entirely different thread, as it is not from any of Robin's posts above. Why? You are going out of your way to construct a straw man argument in order to try to prove that Hordon was only referring to CIT when he clearly was not.

Hordon has discussed other cases of researchers blindly accepting the veracity of government supplied data and reports, BESIDES the ASCE report and BESIDES CIT. And you already know what my meaning is, and WHY I think this is a salient point, so why do you persist in constructing this straw man?

Also, YOUR claim that "P4T has shown too much willingness to accept government supplied data" is also false. As far as I can see, P4T have made it their mission to analyze government data and expose anomalies - this is primarily what they do. So, of course they reference the official data, but from a position of skepticism. Why would you claim the opposite, especially without citing an example? I see this as a complete false characterization from what I have seen, at least, from P4T.

Wasn't Rob Basalmo making the ridiculous argument that the Flight Data that was supplied by the government couldn't have been hacked because it was too complicated, and therefore it must be real data? P4T's animation of "AA77" was entirely based on the assumption that it is accurate data. They spent all that time making an animation instead of discussing how it was fraudulent data to begin with. As Hordon points out:

Take the point that I have been trying to make for years...a point that P4T has blithly ignored as they present exactly what the HI PERPS wanted presented...IE: ...that AA77 never started a descent and WAS the airvehicle that fully turned around and headed east. The NTSB Flight Path Study establishes that AA77, when still in positive radar contact, was observed to begin a descent and had only made a partial left turn at the point where it was lost to positive radar identification. For the FAA ATC system to "see" the beginning of a descent, the aircraft has to be AT LEAST 400 feet off of assigned this case FL350. Therefore, the altitude "seen" by the FAA ATC system had to be at FL346 or lower.

Well, P4T and others get their shorts in a twist noting that the FDR notes that the airvehicle was about 200 feet +/- too high to hit the Pentagon at THAT end of the journey...

...but they NEVER look back far enough in the flight to find that the FDR DOES NOT SHOW a 400 foot loss of altitude just before it was lost to positive radar contact. The NTSB Study shows a descent [of at least 400 feet-my ATC information to you all]...and the FDR and animation, and for some strange reason, Pilots for 9/11 Truth show a level flight...something is not right here...and I'm more comfortable with the NTSB Flight Path Study.

So, CIT helps me make this point IE:...that the FDR found? at the Pentagon is either a fake or has been hacked to tell the HI PERP's "story line". I appreciate their openess because nobody else makes my point...and its a very, very important point indeed..

And CIT does NOT depend upon the FDR that was "allegedly" from AA77 to form its positions.

By the way, notice how Hordon is also complimenting CIT for not blindly accepting government supplied data?

But let me ask you this: what is the point of staging damage at all if the plane hit the building? The point is that the C-ring hole IS the very end of the damage pattern which definitively establishes the ending point of the trajectory. This can not be denied, and we don't have to rely on an government report to determine exactly where this is located. This can not have been caused by a plane on the north side.

For you or anyone to claim to know the exact logic and purpose of staging or manipulating all the various kinds of damage and evidence at this point, some of which conflicts with each other, is laughable. Your certainty over things that you can't possibly be certain about reveals your bias and lack of reasoning ability.

Regarding the right bank: you ignored the "relatively slow" part. The official flight path can not have a relatively slow plane in a significant right bank as described and completely disintegrate. This is irreconcilable with all the physical damage. The witnesses don't describe a wild flight path - like the absurd path postulated in a silly video by someone named "broken sticks" - with an acrobatic right to left roll which is also irreconcilable with the physical damage. You can't just make stuff up that is unsupported by the witnesses and all evidence.

I didn't ignore anything. You completely missed my point. I wasn't arguing that we are forced to choose between the official flight path/speed, and the NOC path with right bank precisely at the point closest to the Pentagon, YOU were. And, for you to be certain that these are the only 2 precise possibilities is a false dilemma. The witnesses do not all describe a right bank, nor did all the witnesses see what the plane was doing as it was closest to the Pentagon. For you or anyone to claim to know what the plane was doing at this point with any degree of certainty is absurd, and again reveals your bias.

nipster's picture

You're not making sense

You characterize the flyover evidence as based on "incomplete witness testimony", arguing "there is no way to be 100% sure at this point that additional eyewitnesses wouldn't contradict anything that the 14 CIT witnesses reported, for example". No, you're right, Santa Claus might come forward one day and admit he and his reindeer were what flew over the Pentagon, but until he does, we have to deal with the evidence we have, not some theoretical evidence that might emerge in future. And based on the available evidence, I see no other possibility other than a flyover. You still see other possibilities, apparently, but have yet to outline said possibilities with any kind of evidence to support them. Like I said, if you have a better explanation, I'd like to hear it, complete with evidence.

And I'm not constructing a straw man here. I am referring specifically to Hordon's point from the statement that you quoted. He prefaced it to be clear what he meant: "The biggest problem in establishing a "flyover" is that... CIT depends upon the Building Performance Report to accomplish this". Taking the rest of the statement out of context of what he meant and praising it in general doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.

But I was also referring to your own statement "P4T has shown too much willingness to accept government supplied data" - which, like Hordon's insinuation above, is false, for the reasons I've already cited. I am NOT referring to other cases of researchers blindly accepting the veracity of government supplied data and reports that Hordon has discussed. Of course, we agree that the truth movement should not automatically accept the veracity of any government supplied data, and my point was that neither CIT nor P4T have done so, to the best of my knowledge.

And it sounds like you need to check some of your own facts, while you're at it: the animation P4T included in their video was not created by them - it was supplied by the NTSB itself.

Unless you are talking about this animation:

The purpose of this animation is to show how the official data is irreconcilable with the physical damage, i.e. from a point of skepticism. So no, they are NOT trying to claim or assume that the data has to be real - quite the opposite.

You state: "Wasn't Rob Basalmo making the ridiculous argument that the Flight Data that was supplied by the government couldn't have been hacked because it was too complicated, and therefore it must be real data?"

The fact that you have to ask is rather telling ... where's the quote of Balsamo stating it? It sounds like a baseless accusation regarding P4T's position, that sure doesn't jive with the presentations from them that I have seen, that completely expose the data as anomalous on MANY levels.

Your quote from Hordon is a prime example of what I stated earlier of him railing off unsupported fallacies without providing a single example or quote from P4T to prove his case - and here you are falling for it.

You say that for me or anyone "to claim to know what the plane was doing at this point with any degree of certainty is absurd" - which to me simply reveals how little you have considered the evidence we have and its implications. After a certain point, it is possible for competent, intelligent skeptics to start ruling out various possibilities. Should we leave open the possibility that Santa Claus and his reindeer flew over the building? Obviously not, but what I would like to know is what other possibilities you are prepared to rule out at this point, or is about everything fair game?

In fact, that "everything is fair game" is the position I used to take, say, back in 2005/2006 when the evidence genuinely seemed contradictory. But now that more evidence has surfaced - and in particular the eyewitness evidence gathered by CIT - it becomes intellectually dishonest to ignore the obvious implications of this evidence, especially when all the other possibilities (and yes, there are way more than just two) fall apart under close scrutiny.

Keenan's picture

A few things

Most intelligent people can understand difference between proof in the form of physical evidence, and a logical inference, which is not direct proof. Deal with it. Overstating the case and pretending that one is equal to the other is not helpful.

Back to the straw man.

"I am referring specifically to Hordon's point from the statement that you quoted."

No, you copied and pasted a quote from an entirely different thread from 911Blogger. The quote you copied and pasted:

The biggest problem in establishing a "flyover" is that...

...CIT depends upon the Building Performance Report to accomplish this.

is not part of the same thread that I copied Robin Hordon's comments above from. In the quote that I was referring to, you can clearly see that Hordon was not only referring to CIT:

...most Truthers are actually BELIEVING the Building Performance Report...

Also, it is clear that Hordon is referring to the truth movement in general when he makes the "salient point" that I was agreeing with:

Is there anybody out there that automatically DOUBTS the veracity of ALL information provided by ANY department or organization within the US government...or am I alone in this skepticism? This skepticism is in place for all of my analysis...and I try to so state when I make my points.

The fact that you had to copy text from an entirely different thread on 911Blogger shows the extent that you were going to in order to try to prove your straw man argument.

As far as Rob Basalmo discussing how unlikely it would be to fake the flight data, I remember a debate on 911Blogger where Basalmo was arguing just that. I will have to go back to 911Blogger and search for the exact text, but it will be difficult since I don't have an account on 911Blogger anymore and therefore cannot use the "search" function. So, I will have to get back to you on that.

But the main point I am making is that it does not help to overstate the case of the flyover, and claim that something is proven when it clearly is not, even if one can agree that that theory is the most reasonable or logical so far. Also, you need to be careful about claiming certainty over things which you can't be certain about, such as what kind of plane it was, what the plane was actually doing right at the closest point to the Pentagon, etc., which seems to be happening a lot.

nipster's picture

It does not help to *understate* the case of the flyover either!

I guess my main point is that you need to be careful about claiming *uncertainty* over things which you can't be *uncertain* about. Continued waffling over the only logical conclusion derived from the best available evidence can have just as damaging an effect, by preventing forward motion based on a common consensus. It took many years for some people to come to the only logical conclusion about what caused the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7, and I only hope that the now obvious reality of what happened at the Pentagon does not get mired in endless circular debates - in many cases deliberately waged by less than authentic people - as has been the case recently over at 911blogger. Again, I thought this site was all about cutting through all that disinfo crap..

I don't doubt that Balsamo might have said that it would be unlikely for the government to completely fabricate the data out of thin air. But that is a far cry from suggesting that it had to be from Flight 77, or that it is 100% legitimate/non-manipulated data. The data could have been created at any time from any plane.

If, however, you are claiming that Balsamo suggested the data HAD to have been from Flight 77, or that it HAD to have been from the plane that was at the Pentagon at 9/11, then yes, I'd like to see the quote, if you don't mind.

I have a feeling you simply misunderstood his statements - much like how Hordon was unable to understand CIT's position on the ASCE report.

Keenan's picture

"It took many years for some

"It took many years for some people to come to the only logical conclusion about what caused the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7, and I only hope that the now obvious reality of what happened at the Pentagon does not get mired in endless circular debates"

Actually, to many people, the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7 was obvious from the beginning when they first saw the buildings explode. To others, when they are shown close-up videos of the demolitions for the first time, in the proper context, they have no problem grasping immediately what happened. Perhaps there are a certain small percentage of people who were only swayed by the calculations and science to finally come to the logical conclusion while the videos alone did not persuade them, but it seems to be the case that most of the people who are still unwilling to conclude that the buildings were demolished even after seeing the videos are not going to be persuaded by the science/calculations to come to the right conclusion.

With the flyover theory at the Pentagon, it is a totally different story, and a much more serious problem to try to persuade the general public. WE DO NOT HAVE VIDEOS OF A PLANE FLYING OVER THE PENTAGON, or anything close to that. Even if the whole truth movement were to come to 100% unanimity at this point on the flyover conclusion, what makes you think we won't have a huge uphill battle to convince the general public of this theory, particularly when even the blatantly obvious WTC demolitions "took many years for some people to come to the only logical conclusion", when the flyover is by no means blatantly obvious, and would probably sound batshit crazy to most of the general public?

Don't you think we would have a much easier time persuading the public that a deception occurred at the Pentagon if we simply make the case that a Boeing 757 could not have done that damage, and therefore we were lied to, rather than trying to overstate the case and claim that the flyover is proven, and then when people ask to see the proof, we don't have any and merely plead with them that it is a logical inference?

nipster's picture

What good is persuading the public of something that's not true?

Your comment is so reminiscent of the time, not that long ago, when people argued the same way about not pushing the idea of demolitions at the WTC - even if most of us agreed there were. If I only change a few words of your post above, I think you can see what I mean:

"Even if the whole truth movement were to come to 100% unanimity at this point on the WTC demolitions, what makes you think we won't have a huge uphill battle to convince the general public of this theory, particularly when even the blatantly obvious LIHOP evidence indicating foreknowledge, insider trading, Saudi connections, etc. "took many years for some people to come to the only logical conclusion" [i.e. of 9/11 as more than just an attack solely by Muslim fanatics]...

That sounds like something Jon Gold would have said! (and would still stay, from what I can gather)

And the same sort of juxtaposition could be made of your second paragraph:

"Actually, to many people, the fact that no 757 flew into the Pentagon was obvious from the beginning when they first saw photographs and video of the buildings facade immediately after the event. To others, when they are shown expert pilot analysis of the many aeronautical improbabilities in the official story for the first time, in the proper context, they have no problem grasping immediately what happened. Perhaps there are a certain small percentage of people who were only swayed by definitive, corroborated eyewitness testimony to finally come to the logical conclusion while the photos and videos alone did not persuade them, but it seems to be the case that most of the people who are still unwilling to conclude that the plane flew over the building even after seeing the corroborated eyewitness testimony are not going to be persuaded by the photos and videos and science/calculations to come to the right conclusion."

Ultimately it comes down to whether one thinks the PR battle to convince the general public, as huge an uphill battle it is, ought to take precedence over the battle over truth and justice for the many crimes of 9/11. The Pentagon evidence of a flyover is significantly more devastating to the official story than the WTC evidence, when you think about it, by also falsifying the entire Flight 77 hijacking story - and hence casting severe doubt about the authenticity of the other flights, whereas even proving demolitions at the WTC still leaves that part of the narrative unchanged. And CIT's eyewitness evidence does not require a degree in (or even an understanding of) physics or engineering - something the WTC perps are using to the best of their advantage in fooling the public about the events in New York.

In contrast, everyone can understand what it means when a dozen+ eyewitnesses all point to the same direction in the sky, or on a map, and easily figure out how what the witnesses describe can not have produced the damage we see in all the photos and video - it doesn't take a rocket scientist.

I'd rather not be part of a 9/11 truth campaign if that means going along with a critical part of the official story - even if we know it to be false - out of some misguided public relations concern, and letting the specific perpetrators of the murderous attack on the Pentagon walk free - do you?

gretavo's picture

i disagree

"whereas even proving demolitions at the WTC still leaves that part of the narrative unchanged"

The fact that the buildings were wired for demnolition before 9/11 means that somebody must have been damn sure that those planes were going to hit their targets, and they could not have been certain enough of that if a bunch of first time flyers had been at the controls.

A Pentagon flyover on the other hand allows believers in the hijacking myth to still say "well, if AA77 flew over the Pentagon and met some different fate than we thought, it was still hijacked and still "obviously" was somehow destroyed. On the other hand if there was *no* flyover, and *no* impact with the Pentagon, it would suggest that AA77 didn't even exist except maybe on paper, as a flase radar blip, and in a media narrative.

kate of the kiosk's picture

in a media narrative

yup, and one bad script. thanks G soo much for keeping it real. I have not had time to really hang here recently, but it is good to see you and your amazing reasoning ability still rising to the top!

gretavo's picture

thx kate!

ur so sweet, and we've missed you!

Keenan's picture

Your analogies are so completely off the mark...

that I have to wonder if you are intentionally refusing to understand the difference between the WTC demolition evidence vs the Pentagon flyover inference. Your analogies are so ludicrous and obviously deceptive that they really should be called straw men, rather than analogies.

But your last paragraph is the real zinger:

"I'd rather not be part of a 9/11 truth campaign if that means going along with a critical part of the official story - even if we know it to be false - out of some misguided public relations concern, and letting the specific perpetrators of the murderous attack on the Pentagon walk free - do you?"

WTF?!!! Going along with the official story? How is arguing that AA77 did not crash into the Pentagon going along with the official story? Now you've really lost me...

nipster's picture

YOUR analogy is clearly the false one....

Claiming that the plane did not hit the Pentagon - while refusing to accept that a flyover has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt - is no different then claiming that an unassisted collapse of building 7 is impossible - while refusing to accept that controlled demo has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Notice how you just used wordplay to conflate the analogy:

"I have to wonder if you are intentionally refusing to understand the difference between the WTC demolition evidence vs the Pentagon flyover inference"

You are comparing demolition "evidence" to the flyover "inference". Well, the proof of controlled demolition is primarily the impossibility of an unassisted collapse - meaning that the controlled demo is an INFERENCE. We can remove nanothermite from the equation, because most 9/11 skeptics (including Richard Gage and DRG) believe that controlled demolition is proven without it. Agreed? In other words, direct evidence for explosives is not necessary meaning that controlled demolition is an INFERENCE.

A very logical inference but an inference nonetheless.

So, while I agree with you that the flyover is also primarily an inference (if we similarly remove Roosevelt Roberts and Erik Dihle from the equation much like we did nanothermite for the sake of discussion since the north side evidence proves a flyover without them), so is controlled demolition.

I have to wonder if you are intentionally refusing to understand the similarity between the evidence supporting the impossibility of an unassisted collapse of Building 7 proving the INFERRED conclusion of controlled demolition in relation to the evidence for north side approach supporting the INFERRED conclusion of a flyover.

Sorry, Keenan, but you are waffling on your position and arguments. If you say you don't think the plane hit, you MUST support a flyover. However, in a desperate effort to argue against this very clear, very obvious, and ONLY POSSIBLE conclusion, you were attempting to argue in FAVOR of an impact of a "smaller military" plane.

While I guess that's not technically the "official story," a plane impact IS the official narrative and clearly you WERE arguing for this as a possibility.

So which is it? Do you believe the plane hit or not? If not you have no reasonable or valid grounds with which to dismiss the fact that a flyover is the only option.

Just like controlled demolition: it is simply the only option given what we know.

gretavo's picture

you're right

You are SO right. I think we can all agree that the plane, er, a plane, flew over the Pentagon on 9/11. I'm sure Keenan agrees.

Now that that is settled, let's talk about the Pentagon itself--you know, that building that wasn't hit by the plane that flew over it? the one where people were killed, and where explosives seem to have been set before 9/11, possibly during the renovation of the section that had the explosives in it?

Here's where that discussion is happening, if you hadn't noticed:

nipster's picture

re; EDIT

It is not from an entirely different thread. They are from the same thread and both posts were made on the same day only hours apart. The one you quoted was from 7/9 at 9:05am and the one I quoted was from 7/9 at 11:17 am.

However Hordon was quite clear in the first post that he was referring to CIT by following his statement with his north side impact suggestion as if complete dismissal of the ASCE report is all that it takes to make such a ridiculous theory plausible.

Perhaps you didn't see the second post but I did and either way it's clear to me he was talking about CIT in BOTH posts.

nipster's picture

And if it was a "plane bomb", where is the crater?

Just look at the size of craters created by much smaller "car bombs":

In the Pentagon photos, I don't seen anything even vaguely resembling such craters, nor any damage to the foundation, etc., so the onus is on anyone proposing this strange "plane bomb" theory to provide even a shred of evidence to support it.

juandelacruz's picture

Even when a bomb explodes in

Even when a bomb explodes in a building, investigators look for a crater before they would confirm that a bomb exploded. This has been used as an excuse to rule out that a bomb exploded in one mall that I go to.

I don't get that part. In WTC, there were certainly bombs, but no crater, why should there be one in the Pentagon. Even if the bomb was delivered within an aircraft, there is no reason to think it was aimed straight into the ground with a fuse that activates on or after hitting the ground.

I am not supporting that a bomb laden aircraft went into the Pentagon, but I wont rule it out based on the no crater argument either.

If you say there is no damage to the foundation and other such damage that you expect is caused by a bomb on a plane, does that not extend to pre placed explosives too? In which case, what caused the damage to the Pentagon? Certainly something did, and it was not a 757.

Keenan's picture

You make a good point, Juan

I'm also not convinced that there would necessarily have to be a crater for there to have been some sort of explosive destruction of the plane in the air that could be from any number of kinds of explosive devices, rather than just one big crater-causing explosion. Also, doesn't it depend on how far from the ground the plane would have to be for the explosion to cause a crater? Seems to me that it is not such a simple open and shut case that there couldn't have been any sort of in-air explosion(s).

I think we can all agree that the plane was not hugging the ground like the obviously doctored 5 video frames that were released by the Pentagon seem to indicate.

gretavo's picture

indeed... me, at first glance it looks as if a bomb or group of bombs went off inside the Pentagon--in the area where presumably a lot of "renovation work" had been taking place, you know, with areas sealed off and things installed out of sight? The presence of an unrealistically small number of plane parts in the debris does not support the claim that a Boeing 757 flew into that building. The complete absence of damage to the lawn outside the building supports the conclusion that neither a Boeing 757 nor ANY kind of plane flew into the Pentagon. The horizontal position of some lamp posts after the explosion does not prove the claim that a 757 flew into the building. The claim of 10 eyewitnesses who say they saw a plane fly north of the CITGO station also does not prove that a Boeing 757 flew into the Pentagon. It may support the claim that there was a plane in the area that flew over the Pentagon, it may explain why some people are mistakenly convinced that a plane flew into the Pentagon, but it has little to do with what DID happen at the Pentagon (as opposed to what DIDN'T), which is why our focus should be on what did happen there. Who here knows ANYTHING about the renovations that were supposed to have been done at the Pentagon leading up to 9/11, like who was contracted to do the work? Anyone? That's the kind of knowledge we are NOT gaining when we are distracted by excessive talk over what did NOT happen.

Adam Ruff's picture

Like I said before.

"It really comes down to a very simple equation once you strip away all the BS and intentional obfuscation. If the CIT witnesses are telling the truth flyover of the plane they saw is a fact."

Talking about plane bombs, plane switches, smaller planes, etc. are all pure speculation based on no evidence whatsoever and have no bearing on the CIT evidence. These arguments are just obfuscation and misdirection from the core CIT issue and don't alter the conclusion that "If the CIT witnesses are telling the truth flyover of the plane they saw is a fact."

Gretavo to even suggest that CIT's evidence leading inexorably to the conclusion of flyover isn't important is wrong on every level.

Keenan and Gretavo I am not going to get into this again here because my time is better served on the CIT forum I think. I have had enough of going over and over this with countless people who don't want to "get it" or worse who want to obfuscate it with endless speculation. If you don't want to get it then you won't get it and my words will be meaningless to you anyway. So let's not waste each others time and I will mosey on down the road.

Thanks for the forum and for listening.

gretavo's picture



kate of the kiosk's picture


you don't get it, then you won't get it ...gmafb


more April Gallups pleeeeeze! where are they?

gretavo's picture

no kate, it's...

...if you don't WANT to get it. that's our problem, we just don't want to get it. kind of like an iPhone4. not quite like an STD. get it? No? well you just don't want to!