WTCDEMOLITION STRAW POLL - Who do you support as next prime minister of Israel? (Americans only need reply, please)

gretavo's picture
Al Franken
5% (2 votes)
Jon Stewart
11% (4 votes)
Mahmoud Abbas
3% (1 vote)
Paul Bremer
0% (0 votes)
Larry Silverstein
11% (4 votes)
Nancy Pelosi
13% (5 votes)
Gilad Atzmon
5% (2 votes)
Joe Lieberman
11% (4 votes)
Abe Foxman
0% (0 votes)
Abe Froman (sausage king of Chicago)
11% (4 votes)
Henry Kissinger
3% (1 vote)
I don't think it matters who Americans want as prime minister of Israel
29% (11 votes)
Total votes: 38

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gretavo's picture

if non-Americans would like to vote in this poll...

we can grant you temporary citizenship. Just read the following out loud in front of a witness before casting your vote, thanks!

"I pledge allegiance to the flags of the United States and Israel, and to the shared values for which they stand, one God, over the homelands, with security, shopping, and entertainment for all. Amen."

Write in votes are acceptable, just add the name in comments!

In the interest of preserving old-growth forests, no paper trails are produced by the voting process. Results are guaranteed accurate per the Terms of Citizenship Agreement*.

* some limitations apply. Terms of Citizenship (TOC) may change without prior notice. All votes are provisional until certified as set forth in TOC. No purchase necessary. To obtain a free ballot send a SASE to WTC DEMOLITION VOTE SCAM, PO BOX 747489, Cayman Islands. Void in New Hapshire, Pennsylvannia, Montana, Texas, Alaska, Minnesota, Delaware, Texas, Free Iraq, and anywhere else prohibited by law.

gretavo's picture

voting irregularities in straw poll

Hey folks--it seems that a recent write-in candidate (or his supporters) have somehow managed to hack into our Diebold voting software. Just so everyone knows, the correct vote total for Abe Froman, the sausage king of Chicago, is 4 votes less than whatever he has. I am not saying that Mr. Froman would not make a good Prime Minister for our Israeli compatriots (he is used to maintaining a high level of secrecy as to how his product is made) but as we all know democracy depends on transparency, at least in Poll-land. That will be the last poll joke, I swear!

gretavo's picture

Nancy Pelosi Surging in Israel Prime MInister Race

Despite the appearance of a tie with Abe Froman, the sausage king of Chicago, when Froman's illegal votes are removed (4) Pelosi and her "Now and Forever" Party is seen to have a commanding lead.

This is a clear vote of confidence in the status quo and shows that Americans are committed to AIPAC leadership and the shared values it embodies.