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i agree, hes best when

i agree, hes best when trying to motivate people and getting out in the streets. i also find his style to be counter-productive in reaching most(though there are some who respond to his style believe it or not). he has called himself a paleoconservative but really rejects all labels for the most part. i dont know if hes a huge NRA guy, i know he thinks gun rights are extremely important, and despite being a one time liberal(im still mostly liberal but the label just doesnt fit anymore) i cant help but agree with him on that. the important thing to me is that he presents very important information. i may not always like the conclusions he comes to with that info or his style of presenting it, but it cant be denied that he is at least putting some important info out there. and as much as i hate to admit it, and i dont accuse AJ of knowingly adopting the tactics of neoconservatism, but there is something to be said about the capability to motivate people through fear. and the whole NWO,KBR prison camps,Bilderberg runs the world stuff does motivate many people. fear mongering? or is there something to it? i think probably somewhere in between. our leaders should not be meeting in secret and KBR etc. should not have contracts to build camps in this country for an "emergency influx" of illegals. thats ridiculous.
