gretavo's picture

that one has puzzled me for some time...

maybe it's because controlled demo does not necessarily mean no hijackings, but no 757 at the pentagon ABSOLUTELY means no hijackings?  And at some point maybe they plan to "reveal" the "fact" that tall buildings (or the towers anyway) have built in self-destruct sequences to ensure they don't topple?  In any case the MOST important thing for the perps is I think the creation and preservation of the Islamofascist myth.  That means preserve at all costs the myth of the hijacked planes regardless of whatever else you're forced to admit.  I think it's worth brainstorming some on this because it's not just Jim Hoffman--I had a VERY odd encounter with a very local shill (i.e. employed in a semi-undercover security capacity at Harvard) try to convince me that he had no opinion on CD but knew for a fact that 77 hit the Pentagon.  It does seem that this is somehow important...
