Annoymouse's picture


Of the bijillions of places Arabesque could have sourced for a basic definition of ad hominem, granted, a "12 million holocaust victims" propaganda site was a poor and telling choice. But is there more to this story, IE more Arabesque history of dubious information dissemination which has earned him a place on your shit list?
I have seen him parrot the ADL's absurd engineered meme: holocaust DENIAL, in his writings, as opposed to using the more honest & accurate holocaust REVISIONIST. Are we all 9/11 DENIERS, after all? Of course not, and it insults the intelligence every time that dishonest DENIAL meme is trotted out. But I do also see Arabesque's articles documenting the reasons for abandoning some of the more prominent shills in the movement, being very thorough and persuasive-- IE valuable contributions. Your thoughts?
Also, I'm not too familiar with John Albanese's history, in particular why you're skeptical of him. Could you flesh that out for me and other uninitiated readers?
Yours is a valuable alternate voice in this movement RT, and I just don't want to see you go the way of DBS, who has even fallen out with Huffy as of at least a month ago (listen to DBS' 10/14 podcast). DBS notes however, that his wife and his dog still love him, :)
