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Cosmos now calls himself "a survivor of a 9/11 victim"

Apparently Cosmos is plumbing the depths of distastefulness to see how low he can go with his disgusting attempts to yet again garner undue sympathy/status by implying fraudulent 9/11 victim family member status, crapping on the graves of every real victim of 9/11 and their real families.

He tells this blatant lie in his latest post (someone should upload a screen shot of it before he changes it)

Carol Brouillet, a diehard Barrett supporter, posted her report about the San Francisco anniversary activities on 911blogger yesterday. John Bursill stepped right up to plate to confront her publicly about her ongoing support for this vile, fraudulent individual who decided to attack a survivor of a 9/11 victim right on the anniversary.

Cosmos, are you incapable of shame or embarrassment?
