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sock puppets


Not quite. I did not "[admit] to using sock puppets at 911blogger." I admitted to the fact that over here, I posted as "insane hussein" (from this account at which I'm currently logged in) and that was primarily because of the cold war between the two sites.

Now, I own up to the fact that I engaged in some immature behavior using that alias over here, by way of praising myself (my 911blogger posts) in the third person. The reason I was basically doing that was to let off steam; I admit that on the CIT threads over there, seeing my completely logical and rational comments get voted down into the cellar took a bit of a psychological toll on me, and I knew that since that faction lurks here, that it would jerk their chain to see those over-the-top posts praising Adam Syed. Admittedly, in hindsight I realized that all it did was make me look silly when caught, and I regret that.

But I've certainly never used, let alone admit to using, multiple accounts on the same site.

I did post for the longest time at 911Blogger as "kameelyun," but that account was one in the same with the account that was later renamed to Adam Syed. The reason I changed it was because I had reached a point in my truthing evolution where I decided it would be best, for a number of reasons, to use my real name, particularly as I was criticizing anonymous bloggers like Arabesque trying to speak for the movement. Anyway, when the change was made, I clearly stated that I was the person who was known as kameelyun, in a prominently viewed comment that actually got plenty of up votes.

So, my position on sock puppets: Obviously using 5 or 6 or 25 accounts at the same site, in order to have conversations with ones' self and create the impression there really are many people posting, is totally uncool and unacceptable.
