Keenan's picture

'I'll let my actions speak for me!"

This is a statement from Cosmos that I wholeheartedly agree with. We should definitely let Cosmos' actions speak for him. Here are just some of Cosmos' actions that should indicate what kind of character and lack of integrity constitutes the sum total of this 'Cosmos' fraud:

• Continues to provide a forum that is used as a platform for unsubstantiated gossip and baseless accusations against hardworking 9/11 truth advocates who don't happen to share his LIHOP clique's positions

• Has lied about being a family member status of an alleged 9/11 victim

• Has snitchjacketed his critics while hypocritically denouncing such behavior

• Has disrupted 9/11 events and participated in smear campaigns agsint people who are not part of his LIHOP clique

Others here can add many other examples of Cosmos' behavior that should help us to assess his character, utilizing the old and true adage "Ye shall know them by their fruits."
