Fake 9/11 Victim Family Member Cosmos/YT Busted, Starts Sweating
"Admit nothing, deny everything, make counteraccusations"
"This tactic turns hit pieces to our advantage."
YES, exactly! That is the purpose of the Hit Pieces section and I'm excited about it.
"So, we need to remember that these Sunstein-esque 'academic' analyses have a specific psychological attack built in: sowing division and distrust among 9/11 truthers. If you can get truthers to accuse each other of being "agents" and "infiltrators", attention shifts from the message over to the messenger, and the perceived worth of 9/11 research will then rest upon how far it diverges from the official account, not upon the accuracy, diligence and verifiability of the research."
Everyone needs to read that 50 times.
Submitted by YT on Sun, 08/29/2010 - 7:56pm.
Oh YEAH, Cosmos? Isn't that what you and your friends are doing here?
And didn't you or one of your comrades write an email to my employer calling yourself "Anthony Bale" and complaining about me to them? Yes, I'm quite sure it was someone from truthaction who did that, and I'm happy to report that it was given the circular file treatment. So what motive could YT/Cosmos have for claiming to be against "snitchjacketing" and engaging in it himself? Um, maybe to cover for his own reprehensible fraud?
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