Hi Adam, I found your write
Hi Adam,
I found your write up interesting. I'm not too familiar with Hoffman but I am familiar with the techniques used to silence critics at 911Blogger.com.
I was going to post this to 911Blogger.com but I was just banned I think. I posted a comment to another thread which was posted to the site for a split second. Then I tried to add a blog entry and I'm now "denied access".
I'm pretty sure it was this comment that brought the hammer down on me:
The Ban Hammer
That's another topic though.
What draws me to CIT is the number of witnesses with the same story. In my world, so many corroborating witnesses would be pushed to the for-front of our focus. Where else have Pentagon witnesses been interviewed and hard-core testimony been compiled?
Were the guys from CIT ever given credit by these 911 Truth leaders who hate them so much? It's my view that these guys are heroes for what they've done. Whether or not their conclusions are right or wrong, they compiled some of if not the most valuable eyewitness testimony about the 911 Attacks.
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