"What is it about this
"What is it about this slideshow that would make any rational analyst think it's a sincere and balanced critique, rather than a deceptive attempt at character assassination designed to obscure one of the best disproofs of the official story, and malign the reputations of some of the most important voices of 9/11 truth?"
This is the key question. The fact that Ken Jenkins, who is someone I've met personally and grown to respect for his intelligence and scientific understanding, would pass along such a piece of crap like this from Hoffman is troubling. It's like as if Jim Hoffman is held in such high regard that other prominent 9/11 Truth personalities often just accept Hoffman's assertions on faith without bothering to fact check any of it for themselves. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Ken Jenkins is apparently so confident in Hoffman's credibility and research prowess, that it doesn't even occur to him to check the facts for himself. He just let's Hoffman do the thinking for him. As does Kevin Ryan and others, apparently.
How did Hoffman attain such a high level of credibility and intellectual heavyweight status among the movement's intellectual wing, even while continuously dishing out deceitful nonsense regarding the Pentagon attack for at least the past 6 years? What that tells me is that group think is apparently a significant factor, even among supposed independently thinking and scientifically minded 9/11 truth advocates. A bit surprising and troubling, I have to say.
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