gretavo's picture

afraid i have to agree with willy-Lo...

Suddenly Sander... is everywhere, after being relegated to nobody status in the movement for the last few years, and rightly so. Now we have him 1) speaking at the Treason in America conference, 2)holding an AE911truth press conference at ground zero, 3) pimping 9/11 to Marxists, 4) attending the Boston "let the truthers in so we can mock them" Antiwar Coalition Conference, and 5)endorsing CIT.

This is well beyond trying to insinuate yourself back into the movement, this is grabbing a bullhorn to announce your presence and intention to grab the steering wheel. All around the same time as Jon Gold has seemed to vanish into the wallpaper... Consider me suddenly suspicious...

Anyway, a few quick observations about these Marxists... suddenly they might accept that 9/11 was a fraud? How nice. You know what? We are so much better off pointing out to people how hardcore communists, the World Can't Wait crowd, do NOT support us. Some bridges are better left burnt to crisp. So english bankers (and Prescott Bush, of course) financed Hitler? I'm shocked--SHOCKED, I tell you! Ask those fine Marxist thinkers who financed the Bolshevik revolution in Russia (hint: it wasn't poor, vodka addled farmers in Ukraine...) or why Hitler worked with Communists before launching his career as a "national" socialist.

