dicktater's picture

G, please don't dally on this!

Get in touch with them ASAP!

I really, really, really don't think that someone being able to issue death threats whilst hiding behind this organization was the original intent of the site creators. Rather, they wanted to facilitate access to information.

German Privacy Foundation eV
Postfach 610243 PO Box 610243
10923 Berlin 10923 Berlin
E-Mail: info@privacyfoundation.de E-mail: info@privacyfoundation.de
Internet: www.privacyfoundation.de Internet: www.privacyfoundation.de

Here is a link to a translation of the home page. Only the links on the home page will work. Interior links are likely to not be translated:


Their "mission statement", of sorts. Each sentence below is followed by google's english translation.

Club Profile
Der Schutz der Privatsphäre ist ein hohes Gut. The protection of privacy is a great good. Die zunehmende Überwachung der Kommunikation erfordert das Recht auf und den Schutz der Privatsphäre. The increased monitoring of communications requires the law and the protection of privacy. Die Freiheit in der digitalen Welt muss verteidigt werden. The freedom in the digital world must be defended. Das Recht auf ungehinderte Kommunikation ist ein Menschenrecht, das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung, also auch auf Anonymität, ein unverzichtbares Bürgerrecht und eine Grundfeste des Datenschutzes. The right to unhindered communication is a human right, the right to informational self-determination, including anonymity, an essential civil rights and a foundation of data protection. Jeder hat das Recht, selbst zu entscheiden, welche Informationen er oder sie über sich selbst preisgibt. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves what information he or she preisgibt about themselves. Solange nicht ein staatliches Gesetz oder die Rechte anderer entgegenstehen, kann jeder Mensch sein Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung in der Form ausüben, dass er anonym auftritt und sich insbesondere im Internet anonym bewegt. Unless a state law or the rights of others oppose, any man his right to informational self-determination in the form of exercise that he anonymously occurs, and particularly the Internet anonymously moves.

Der gemeinnützige Verein German Privacy Foundation eV informiert über sichere Kommunikation im Internet und organisiert und unterstützt Weiterbildungs- und Aufklärungmaßnahmen für Erwachsene und Jugendliche. The non-profit association German Privacy Foundation eV information on secure communications on the Internet and organizes and supports training and awareness-raising activities for adults and adolescents. Wir sind Spezialisten für Anfragen zu den Themen Kryptographie (insbesondere Verschlüsselung von E-Mails) und Anonymität im Internet (zum Beispiel Tor-Server, Java Anon Proxy, anonyme Remailer). We are specialists for inquiries on the subject cryptography (especially encryption of e-mails) and anonymity on the Internet (for example, Tor servers, Java Anon proxy anonymous remailer).

Die GPF eV betreibt die TOR-Server gpfTOR1-4, die Remailer gpfa und The GPF eV operates the TOR server gpfTOR1-4, and the remailer gpfa
gpfc sowie einen I2P-Router. gpfc and a I2P router.

Die Mitglieder des Vorstands und die Mitglieder verpflichten sich, über Vereinsangelegenheiten ausschließlich verschlüsselt - das bedeutet: abhörsicher - zu kommunzieren. The members of the Board and the members commit themselves on club matters only secure - that is tap-proof - kommunzieren. Wir reden nicht nur über Datenschutz, sondern praktizieren ihn konsequent. We do not just talk about privacy, but practicing it consistently. Wir arbeiten eng mit Journalisten- und Bürgerrechtsorganisationen zusammen und wollen erreichen, dass das Thema "Sicherheit im Internet" besser und sachgerechter in den Medien dargestellt wird. We work closely with journalists and civil rights organizations and want to ensure that the theme of "Safer Internet better and properly represented in the media.

Zu unserem Verein gehören unter anderem IT-Fachleute, Juristen und Journalisten. Our association include IT experts, lawyers and journalists.

Profile (Vereinsprofil - englische Fassung) Profiles (Association profile - English version)
The protection of personal privacy is paramount. The protection of personal privacy is paramount. In an an environment of increased communications surveillance, the right to, and the protection of, personal privacy must be available. In an an environment of increased communications surveillance, the right to, and the protection of, personal privacy must be available. The personal liberties in the digital world must be defended. The personal liberties in the digital world must be defended. The right to communicate without restrictions is a basic human right, the right to control one's personal data, including anonymity, a cornerstone of data protection. The right to communicate without restrictions is a basic human right, the right to control one's personal data, including anonymity, a cornerstone of data protection. Everybody has the right to freely decide, what he or she is willing to disclose about themselves. Everybody has the right to freely decide, what he or she is willing to disclose about themselves. Within the framework of laws and other peoples rights, everyone is able to control one's personal data by using the veil of anonymity, especially while accessing the Internet. Within the framework of laws and other peoples rights, everyone is able to control one's personal data by using the veil of anonymity, especially while accessing the Internet.

The non-profit German Privacy Foundation informs about secure ommunications on the Internet as well as organizes and supports informational and educational campaigns for adults and teenagers. The non-profit German Privacy Foundation informs about ommunications secure on the Internet as well as organizes and supports informational and educational campaigns for adults and teenagers. We are specialists for requests in regard to cryptology (especially encryption of email) and anonymity on the Internet (tor-server, Java Anon Proxy, anonymous re-mailer). We are specialists for requests in regard to cryptology (especially encryption of email) and anonymity on the Internet (tor-server, Java Anon proxy, anonymous re-mailer).

Members of the board as well as ordinary members are obligated to communicate organizational matters only via encrypted (protected from eavesdropping) mail. Members of the board as well as ordinary members are obligated to organizational matters only communicate via encrypted (protected from eavesdropping) mail. We don't just talk about data protection, we practice what we preach. We do not just talk about data protection, we practice what we preach. We cherish close cooperation with journalists and civil liberties organizations in order to achieve a better understanding of "Internet Security" in the media. We cherish close cooperation with journalists and civil liberties organizations in order to achieve a better understanding of "Internet Security" in the media.

Our organization has, among others, IT specialists, lawyers, journalists as members. Our organization has, among others, IT specialists, lawyers, journalists as members.

German Privacy Foundation German Privacy Foundation
