Holy Nutcases Batman

Jpass's picture

Can you say 'threat to humanity' ?

I caught this nut case Pasture Haygee on TV one day and about dropped a load in my trousers when I heard some of the shit he said.

Tom DeLay makes a cameo in the video....

"...and obviously we have to be connected to Israel to enjoy the 2nd coming of Christ"
Tom Delay

Watch this nutty shit. Can you believe what you are seeing?

Rapture Ready: The Unauthorized Christians United for Israel Tour

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Big_D's picture

That's definitely a must see.

"Are you Jewish as well?"


"Do you believe in the lord jesus christ?"

"Uh, I'm Jewish..."


You gotta' see this one too.


Jpass's picture


Geez...haven't laughed this hard in a long while.

"why don't you enlist then?"

"so you're like a Cheney Repbulican...you have better things to do?"


Thanks Big_D that was hilarious.

Big_D's picture

It was painful.

watching the doofus in the t-shirt coming out of the closet...

These parrots with thumbs are too gd funny! (In a most sickening way.)

Jpass's picture

yea...if it requires HOURS of prayer

If it requires hour after hour of prayer to suppress your homo-erotic feelings towards the same sex...you may be gay not matter what god says.

Jpass's picture

Israeli Content Will Not Be Commented On

I’ve been informed by the Huffington Post that comments were indeed shut down on my post: “Posts involving Israel inevitably invite a rash of anti-Semitic comments…” Although I approve every comment here, including anti-Semitic ones by commenters like Lizard, I understand the Huffpost’s rationale. If they approved Jew-bashing comments, they would be accused by right-wingers from Bill O’Reilly to Powerline of anti-Semitism. However unfair that is, it’s the way it is. The most disheartening thing is that my video contains extensive footage of extremist evangelicals proclaiming their wish for the “cleansing of the Earth” of all its unbelievers — an anti-Semitic position if I ever heard one. I suppose hateful people attract each other.



Wow, that is pathetic. You can't discuss Israeli related issues because they invite anti-semitic comments!

Great idea! We'll just shut down comments for everyone when Israel is the topic of an article

Big_D's picture

These freaks believe...

(evangelicals / xians) that the 'anti-christ' is gonna' be an Israeli Jew who brings peace between the Arabs (satan's pawns) & the Jews... yet they're considered 'friends' of Israel... [still processing, hope I live through it...]

Jpass's picture

Another Funny Confrontation

So far this guy seems to be turning a blind eye to gutless..nutless democrats...but he's funny.

Check this one out...

Big_D's picture

It not that he's funny...

these repuglicons & fundamentalists are a parody of themselves. Did you see the 'black republican!?!?

These people have lost their friggin' minds.

gretavo's picture

michelle malkin

was so pathetic, having to admit to issuing an errata! I wonder how long it was... and what a low blow to Ann Coulter - three broken engagements just means she's waiting for Mr. Right. Yeah, it's classic left/right bread and circus, but it's good for a laugh...