Tell the Lovely Al Jazeera Woman to Cover 9/11!!

gretavo's picture

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Keenan's picture

Is Al Jazeera a CIA-controlled media outlet?

I've noticed that discussion on issues regarding Mossad's dirty tricks and the worst crimes of Israel/Zionism such as false flag terror attacks are not reported in "News" stories but are almost always filed under the "Conspiracy Theory" section of Al Jazeera. For an "Arab version of CNN" purportedly representing the viewpoints and interests of the Arab population, this news station seems awefully controlled to me.

Yousri Fouda, senior investigative reporter at al Jazeera and host of "Top Secret," one of al Jazeera's most popular shows wrote a book "Masterminds of Terror: The Truth Behind the Most Devastating Attack the World Has Ever Seen," which does not even offer a LIHOP possibility but gilds the lilly of the "al-Qaeda did it and boasted of it" myth. Here's the Amazon blurb:

"When star Al-Jazeera TV reporter Yosri Fouda received an anonymous call summoning him to a secret interview in Pakistan with al-Qaeda, he knew he could be walking into a deadly trap, as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl had done only months before. But he took the risk and hit pay dirt. For 48 hours, Fouda listened as two of the world's most wanted men, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, head of al-Qaeda's military committee, and Ramzi Binalshibh, the link between Mohammed Atta and the senior al-Qaeda leadership, proudly claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon-the first time al-Qaeda took direct responsibility [gee, that's quite a scoop! How does Al Jazeera do this all the time!]. During the course of the in-depth interview, they detailed exactly how, over a two-year period, the plot was conceived, planned, and executed. Based on that interview and hours of follow-up investigation, MASTERMINDS OF TERROR also contains dramatic accounts of the subsequent seizure of both Binalshibh and Mohammed and analyzes al-Qaeda's attempts to justify its actions on what it calls 'Holy Tuesday.'"

Al Jazeera bureaus were hit by U.S. warplanes in April 2003 in Baghdad and November 2001 in Kabul. Al Jazeera correspondent Tareq Ayoub was killed in the Baghdad incident. The U.S. called both incidents accidental. In 2005 the Washington Post reported that a former senior U.S. intelligence official said the Bush administration saw Al Jazeera as such a problem that the CIA formulated plans to plant covert agents on its staff. The official said the plan was never approved. Yea, right, uhuh...And of course, there was that "news leak" in the same year about Bush conspiring with Blair to bomb Al Jazeera headquarters in Qatar.

Makes ya wonder. Was all this billigerance and posturing by the Bush Admininstration against the news station the cause of Al Jazeera's meek and timid reporting, or the cover for what has long been a CIA funded/controlled news outlet, or just a friendly reminder of where the boundries of acceptable discourse are?

kate of the kiosk's picture

CIA controlled?

would not be surprised..have been suspicious ever since they opened bureau in DC not long after 9/11.

juandelacruz's picture

Re: "I've noticed that

Re: "I've noticed that discussion on issues regarding Mossad's dirty tricks and the worst crimes of Israel/Zionism such as false flag terror attacks are not reported in "News" stories but are almost always filed under the "Conspiracy Theory" section of Al Jazeera."

Just in case you are referring to the Aljazeera Magazine website < > which has a conpiracy section, I think think this is run separately from the cable tv news company which has its own website at <> .

The magazine does tend to have controversial topics under the conspiracy section which you would not find at all in the cable tv website.

I do not know what the relationship is between the two entities.

From previous forum posts I have read, it is said that the cable tv news as delivered in English, is a lot more tame in comparison to the other version. I also think that they are a witting or unwitting conduit of CIA disinformation when it comes to Bin Laden videos in particular.

Annoymouse's picture


she should interview Sibel Edmonds!! ;)


Jpass's picture


I thought it was Sibel

Annoymouse's picture

It's the least she could do.....

.....for the Truth movement....IMHO....

Annoymouse's picture

Sibel or Sybel,

as with her story generally, perhaps we will never know...

As the despised Judith Miller went to jail for a principle, however rotten the act of protecting Scooter, whats with S. Edmonds?


gretavo's picture

what's with Sibel

some of us think she's a limited hangout/distraction agent... does she have damning info? sure, why not. is it really all that relevant to 9/11? maybe in some LIHOPPY way. does she seem to covet her little secret a little too much while thousands die? uh, yeah. does Jon Gold worship her? yup, and the ground she walks on. that's enough for me to be VERY skeptical of her motives... that's what's great about Jon--basically anything he promotes can be safely believed to be less than important, and the things he rails against tend to be lights on the path to the whole truth. we couldna dunnit without you Jonny!

Annoymouse's picture

Al Jazeera is headquartered

Al Jazeera is headquartered in Qatar. Qatar is known for having a huge US military depot:


Qatar to have largest US military warehouse
Qatar-USA, Politics, 11/24/1998

The Qatari daily Gulf Times issued on Monday quoted the outgoing US ambassador in Doha, Patrick Nickolas Theros, as saying that, "The US is currently building in Qatar its largest storage base for military equipment abroad."

The ambassador added that the base, on which work will be completed within 18 months, "aims at storing only military equipment." He described this base as "a sort of a huge warehouse."

Qatar signed a defense agreement with the US following the Gulf War in 1991 and permitted it to store military equipment on its territory.

If nothing else, these circumstances are a bit odd to find Al Jazeera settled nicely in.